CAN interface does not work with code stored in Flash memory

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Full Member level 5
Nov 13, 2005
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I have written a simple program to receive CAN messages using the CAN1 interface. If I burn the monitor in Flash and I run the program, it works, but if I burn the program in Flash, it doesn't work. Does anybody know why?
I have tested the Start167.asm file and I think all is correct. The variables are correctly put in the memory.

I am using MCB167-NET, with a C167CS-LM.
I want to burn my program in a external Flash. First, I burned the monitor in the external Flash and the program worked correctly. This is, it read the CAN messages and sent the received data via 232 interface.

When I burn this program in the external Flash, it doesn't work; I can see (using the leds connected to P2) that the CAN interrupts are being activated, but the data receaved are incorrect.
I think you are right and the mistake should be at the startup program, but I cannot find the mistake.

can anybody help me?
Thank you

Re: CAN interface does not work with code stored in Flash me

I dont know the C167, but it can be some SFR that you dont init in your application. Some SFR related to clock. You can send one frame and see the CAN with scope.

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