Can any one have some information about matlab code of QAM

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Re: Can any one have some information about matlab code of Q

matlab provides the inbuilt function for QAM. Here is the code...
just try over this

Create a random digital message
M = 16; % Alphabet size
x = randint(5000,1,M); % Message signal

% Use 16-QAM modulation.
y = qammod(x,M);

% Transmit signal through an AWGN channel.
ynoisy = awgn(y,15,'measured');

% Create scatter plot from noisy data.

% Demodulate to recover the message.
z = qamdemod(ynoisy,M);

% Check symbol error rate.
[num,rt]= symerr(x,z)

Added after 11 minutes:

Also go through this

clear all;
ampqam=[-3 -1 1 3] %Number of amplitudes(4 for 16QAM)
A = repmat(ampqam,4,1)
B = flipud(A')
constellation_qam = A+j*B %Matrix that contains all the constellation points(complex)
constellation_qam1 = constellation_qam) %Change to column vector
qam = constellation_qam1(floor((16)*rand(1,10000))+1);%Generate 16QAM symbol sequence(complex)
plot(qam,'o'); %Plot the constellation
axis([-4 4 -4 4]); grid on;
xlabel('Q Amplitude');ylabel('I Amplitude');
title('16 QAM Constellation')
sort(phaseangle_deg)% Count number of DIFFERENT phase angles in command window(12 for 16QAM)

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