can a 5v sensor be interfaced witih lpcxpresso 1768 through adc?

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Newbie level 4
Jun 10, 2011
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I thinking of using lpcxpresso 1768 dev board for my project. Lpcxpreso 1768 board is arm-cortexm3 based board with high embedded computing power. And its a low powered device (3.6volts). the datasheet mentions the adc has input range between VREFN to VREFP and max vdda of 3.6 volts .I am in a lil doubtful if i can interface the 5volts 3-axis analog accelerometer to it becuz it is powered at 3.6volts. Kindly clarify me if the controller has adc range 0-5 volt, so that i can directly connect analog o/p to adc pin or Do i have to convert analog sensor values from 5v to 3.6 v by some additional hardware and then feed the data to the adc pins?.Here the schematics of the board
Thank you....
View attachment plugin-LPCXpressoLPC1768revA.pdf

It's not specifically stated on the datasheet as to what max voltage is safe to apply to a pin.

The usual warning for ICs is not to exceed 1/2 volt above or below the supply pins. To exceed this on any pin is to risk ruining the chip.

So it's wise to attenuate the 5V device output by using a simple resistor divider, or in some way to ensure it won't exceed 3.6 V going into the 3.6V powered device.

Page 575 of the user manual

The absolute max values are described in page 42 of the datasheet

You have to reduce the accelerometer output to a level up to VDDA


Thank you.
I did some expirements on sensor and the accelerometer is giving max analog o/p 2.4v so i guess pretty safe to connect with 3.6v adc pin of uc. The break out board is powered with 5 v. But i figured it out that ,there is a tiny regulator on breakout board giving 3.6 v to sensor.
I think my problem is solved ,thanks for all you help.

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