Calculator system (implement input output display functions)

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Nov 21, 2020
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Good afternoon to whomever this may concern. I am trying to create a calculator system, that will be programmed on the D10-LITE FPGA board. This is the system that I would like to implement

You are to implement a system that performs calculations on 4-bit numbers (your output must account for this). It is capable of performing add, subtract, and 2 other custom operations. The values are to be input from the switches as hex numbers. As the value is entered, it is to be shown on the 7-Segment Display in decimal. The functions to be performed are also input from the switches. After the user enters a value, presses a function, and then the second value, your system will display the result on the 7-Segment display.

Break down operation into smaller functions.

Draw a flowchart.

Decide how switches must be connected to your device, and how to enter numbers.

Did you succeed at showing numbers on a 7 segment display?.

Break down operation into smaller functions.

Draw a flowchart.

Decide how switches must be connected to your device, and how to enter numbers.

Did you succeed at showing numbers on a 7 segment display?.

Yes, I know how to make each value show up on the 7 segment display. I am unsure how to make my system hold 1 value, input an operation, then input a second value and output the result



You need to show what you have done and learned so far.


You post above sounds typically "software" should think about how the hardware/circuit would look like. If needed draw block diagrams and make yourself clear (or ask the person who gave you this task) how the design is supposed to function.

I am unsure how to make my system hold 1 value, input an operation, then input a second value and output the result
Do you know how to create a register (flip-flop) within a FPGA that can hold a single bit?
This will be the most basic task of your entire design.

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