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how to calculate delay in 89c51 using c
hi there i need to calculate exact time delay for microcontroller AT89C51. for serial communication i use 9600 baud rate and timer 1 in mode 2, and 11.0592 MHz crystal. i need to know that using the c language how much loop factor should i give to obtain exact 1sec delay.i mean for(x=1, x<=y),,, value of y?
is there any formula.. or some thing like this.
hi there i need to calculate exact time delay for microcontroller AT89C51. for serial communication i use 9600 baud rate and timer 1 in mode 2, and 11.0592 MHz crystal. i need to know that using the c language how much loop factor should i give to obtain exact 1sec delay.i mean for(x=1, x<=y),,, value of y?
is there any formula.. or some thing like this.