Advanced Member level 3

Cadence to use IBM Linux power in EDA
IBM and Cadence Design Systems have announced an agreement to jointly optimise and market electronic design solutions from Cadence using IBM's advanced Linux-based technology.
1. h**p://www.dialelectronics.com.au/articles/b2/0c0138b2.asp
Also Look at:
Cadence expects shift to Intel-based Linux systems
2. h**p://www.eedesign.com/story/OEG20020610S0067
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Cadence to use IBM Linux power in EDA
IBM and Cadence Design Systems have announced an agreement to jointly optimise and market electronic design solutions from Cadence using IBM's advanced Linux-based technology.
1. h**p://www.dialelectronics.com.au/articles/b2/0c0138b2.asp
Also Look at:
Cadence expects shift to Intel-based Linux systems
2. h**p://www.eedesign.com/story/OEG20020610S0067
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