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cadence design using umc_180_cmos library layout and DRC issue

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Member level 2
Member level 2
Sep 9, 2010
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i have started with the layout for my design.
i am using umc 180 nm technology in cadence virtuoso.i generated the layout from my schematic in layout xl so the devices where there.but when i try to genrate a contact from
create>contact >m1-poly (N.B. i have actually tried for a few combinations this is just an example....this happens what ever two layers i am trying to generate a contact for)
i get the message that the umc 180 library doesnot have this contact. to be more presice it says::
*WARNING* Contact does not exist in library UMC_18_CMOS.

i dont understand one has to create contacts for umc180 or is there a fault with my library.....have you idea what might be wrong??
looking forward to your advice thank you

2) my second question is when running a DRC for the same design what rule files shud i use...where do i find them
can some one explain the process of setting up the drc check....
are there any specific files if using umc180_cmos or the process is general for all processes and libraries

i have doen this for the gpdk090 library....
will the same process give me desireable results...i mean to say the same rule files??

i think ur library may be corrupted........the contact information is supposed to be present in the UMC_180 library.......are u gettin' problem only for contacts??........or for some other instances also......??.........
for checkin' DRC wat i use is ASSURA_DRC umc180 with rule set file DRC 2.92p..........this is defined in the 'assuratech.lib' file in ur working directory..........similar is the case for LVS also.......

---------- Post added at 11:43 ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 ----------

if u dont ve the path specified in ur assura_tech.lib then try creating a new file with name assura_tech.lib with contents as follows.........provided u ve all the library file licenses available with u......
INCLUDE $AMS_DIR/assura/c35b3/assura_tech.lib
DEFINE Assura_DRC_umc180 ./RuleDecks/Assura/DRC
DEFINE Assura_LVS_umc180 ./RuleDecks/Assura/LVS

INCLUDE /cad/techlibs/umc_180/designkit/assura_tech.lib

i think ur library may be corrupted........the contact information is supposed to be present in the UMC_180 library.......are u gettin' problem only for contacts??........or for some other instances also......??.........
for checkin' DRC wat i use is ASSURA_DRC umc180 with rule set file DRC 2.92p..........this is defined in the 'assuratech.lib' file in ur working directory..........similar is the case for LVS also.......

i have done most of the layout and the since i had generated from a cell view tthe required instances came on their own and i dont think any other devices or inatances are missing
however i will take a closer look

---------- Post added at 11:43 ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 ----------
if u dont ve the path specified in ur assura_tech.lib then try creating a new file with name assura_tech.lib with contents as follows.........provided u ve all the library file licenses available with u......
INCLUDE $AMS_DIR/assura/c35b3/assura_tech.lib
DEFINE Assura_DRC_umc180 ./RuleDecks/Assura/DRC
DEFINE Assura_LVS_umc180 ./RuleDecks/Assura/LVS

INCLUDE /cad/techlibs/umc_180/designkit/assura_tech.lib

thanks a lot.

---------- Post added at 15:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:47 ----------

i have done most of the layout and the since i had generated from a cell view tthe required instances came on their own and i dont think any other devices or inatances are missing
however i will take a closer look

i have started with the layout for my design.
i am using umc 180 nm technology in cadence virtuoso.i generated the layout from my schematic in layout xl so the devices where there.but when i try to genrate a contact from
create>contact >m1-poly (N.B. i have actually tried for a few combinations this is just an example....this happens what ever two layers i am trying to generate a contact for)
i get the message that the umc 180 library doesnot have this contact. to be more presice it says::
*WARNING* Contact does not exist in library UMC_18_CMOS.

i dont understand one has to create contacts for umc180 or is there a fault with my library.....have you idea what might be wrong??
looking forward to your advice thank you

2) my second question is when running a DRC for the same design what rule files shud i use...where do i find them
can some one explain the process of setting up the drc check....
are there any specific files if using umc180_cmos or the process is general for all processes and libraries

i have doen this for the gpdk090 library....
will the same process give me desireable results...i mean to say the same rule files??

I need UMC 180 nm low threshold library . Where did you get it and can you tell me how to integrate it into
Cadence environment? Can you tell me the exact name of the UMC library that you used? Does that library has analog components??

Pls reply.

Thanks in advance.

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