C++ programs for calculating factorial and fibonacci series using stack

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Junior Member level 3
Nov 9, 2007
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can any body give me the following codes ill be really thankful:
1. Write a C++ program to calculate FACTORIAL of a number using STACK.
2. Write a C++ program to generate a FIBONACCI series using STACK. Number of Fibonacci series is input by the user.

Re: i need help........

//  This program illustrates the use of inline assembly from within C++.
//  N - factorial is calculated using a "stack frame" to pass the parameters
//  and recursion to find the number.
//  Written by Joe Toone March 11, 2005
//	Modified to work with Visual Studio.Net 2005 November 6, 2007

#include <iostream>      //changed iostream.h to iostream to meet VS .Net requirement
using namespace std;	 //needed for VS 2005 .Net

int factorial(int n);

void main()
     int number,nfact;

     while(1) {
	cout << endl << "Enter the number to find the factorial of (0 to exit) -> ";
	cin >> number;
	if (number<=0)
	cout << "n factorial of " << number <<" is " << nfact << endl;
};	//end of main

/*  This function is presented for informational purposes only
    however, you could uncomment this function and comment out the
    assembly version of the function and it would work.

//  A typical C++ function to calculate the factorial of n
//  Notice that recursion is used to find the factorial

int factorial(int n)
	if(n==1) return(1);
	else n = factorial(n-1) * n;

//  The following function uses inline assembly code to calculate the factorial
//  of n.  Notice that it has a standard C++ function header.  Inside the C++
//  function, you should notice the "__asm" statement which signals that the
//  following statements are normal x86 assembly instructions.
//  N - factorial is calculated by recursive calls to the assemble procedure
//  "factor".  The answer is left in the EAX register and is returned to the
//  calling C++ function from that location.
//  It should also be noted that each recursive call produces a new "stack frame"
//  on which the parameters are passed. It is critical that the "stack" be
//  managed properly, since it is the same stack that the C++ program is using
//  to pass it's parameters.
//  More information on using inline assembly may be found in the MSDN library.

int factorial(int n)		     //Normal C++ function header with parameter
    __asm {			     ;C/C++ reserved word or inline assembly
          mov  ecx,n		     ;copy C++ parameter to ECX register
	  push ecx		     ;push parameter onto the stack
          call factor		     ;call the local factorial procedure
	  jmp  outtahere	     ;we have an answer, so jump to exit
   factor:			     ;We are forced to use the simplest form of
				     ;an assembly procedure since inline code does
				     ;not support the PROC assembler directive.
          push ebp		     ;Establish the "stack frame"
	  mov  ebp,esp		     ;
	  push ecx		     ;place a copy of "n" on the stack
	;if n = 1		     ;if "n" is not equal to 1
	  cmp  dword ptr [ebp+8],1   ;  "n" is located on the stack
	  jne  else01		     ;  jump to the else condition
	  mov  eax,1		     ;  otherwise n==1, so set EAX to 1
	  jmp  endif01		     ;	 and exit the if
   else01:			     ;
          mov  ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8] ;else retrieve n from stack
	  dec  ecx		     ;  decrement n
	  push ecx		     ;  place n back on the stack
	  call factor		     ;  and call factor again
	  add  esp, 4		     ;reduce the stack pointer by one dword
	  mul  dword ptr [ebp+8]     ;multiply EAX by n
	  push ecx		     ;place n parameter back on the stack
   endif01:			     ;end of if statement
	  pop  ecx		     ;remove left over paramter from the stack
	  pop  ebp		     ;restore the original base pointer
	  ret  4		     ;discard the original value of n
   outtahere:			     ;the answer is in EAX register
	  mov  n,eax		     ;  so copy it to the C++ parameter
	  };			     //end of inline assembly code
   return n;			     //return the answer to C++ caller
};				     //end of factorial

Added after 9 minutes:


**broken link removed**

Re: i need help........

thank you so much for your help .
Actually i need a code which is written using simple stack the 1st code you gave me is written using recursion and the other 1 is too difficult for me to understand and the fibonacci series ,mentioned in those webs, is also in recursion form so if you plz give me these codes again using simple stack it'll be really nice of you .

Re: i need help........

**broken link removed**
# include < iostream.h>
# include < conio.h>
void fact(int);

void main()
int n;
cout < < "Enter limit : ";
void fact(int x)
char a;
int i=1;
for(int j=1;j< =x;j++)
cout< < "Answer = "< < i< < endl;
cout< < "Want to continue ( y )/or press any key to continue ";
cout< < "Good Bye ";

int factorial(int n)
	int fact=1;

	/* error check */
	if (n<0) return 0;

	/* multiply n by all numbers smaller than n and greater than 0 */
	for( ; n>0; n--) fact *= n;

	/* return the result */

i need help........

You don't need a stack for these operations. Recursion is perfect for both

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