c@dence !C 5.0 installation problem

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Member level 5
Sep 10, 2002
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I have installed IC5.0, however, the option 4) Configure Installed Products is unselectable after installation, option 2) List Installed Products is OK. I wonder that must I set environment variable first and how to set? I found two solutions:

the second question: where shall I put lisence file?

Thank you very much in advance.

setenv CDS_LIC_FILE <your license file or port@host>
you can direct input license filename
or use a port (some as http port 80
),which i think is to control a lot of people
to use a license,at a net just a computer
set a license and open a port to sever,
when other to use ic5.0 they don't need
have license ,just seach if the port in host
is work and the license is right.

setenv CDSDIR $CDS_INST_DIR/tools
you should make a link of tools.lnx86
path I have read the script, if not link a
tools path ,it will not work well.

Actually, option 4) doesn't work in linux version in normal. And what's option 4) have done is just set the symbolic link from "tools.lnx86" to "tools" and some other minor link. So you can do it manually and it is highly recomended to do so.

Finally, your installation path can be anything, not fixed to "/tools/cds5". Just add it in your "path" in your profile correctly.

If for unix,
pls select the licensefile bymail.

It seems that the IC5 does not need confugure, I installed without config it and works well.

Copy a .cshrc file from Solaris maybe solve your question.

I have problem with IC5.0 too, but not as serious as it seems to be. I have installed and running IC5.0 well, everything works fine, except the folder browser (...or how it is called), when I want to load the SPECTRE library (in the Analog enviroment module) for instance, it shows me my home folder, but then no button works (I cannot neither switch into the upper level folder, nor the 'add library' button seems to work). And the 'delete library' button doesnt function properly either. So EVERYTHING must be typed in by-hand and I am not allowed to do any mistake....frustrating
If anyone can help me, or refer to this....bug?..., please let me know.

BTW: I'm using RedHat 7.3


install in RedHat 7.2, then the button will work!

OK..thanks, I'll try it, but can this really help? I have heard that RH7.3 is just a little updated RH7.2 (same glibc, kernel and so on.....)
anyway, thank you, I' m just goin to DL the RH7.2 :spoko:

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