Building an ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) for avionics

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Advanced Member level 1
Sep 30, 2002
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as i know, ADF operates by using an circular array of directional antennas. It uses a diode detector for each element and compare the received power among all elements. The one with strongest power depict the direction. The array is a circular one. Since you are a pilot, you might have seen some of this array at the airport.

elektor loop antenna


Thanks, I already found before something similar at: **broken link removed**

Maybe I will make some tests with this.
In the mean time I find out that the ADF antenna use 2 coils at 180% and by mesuring the signal they carlculate the angle.

I need to replace the led's by a display, I don't have space on my dasboard anymore.

For the receiver I already found on Elektor some ideas in the magasine from february 2001.


doppler ve2emm

Old ADF systems used separate antennas. A loop antenna, usually located on the bottom of the aircraft, this is a flat antenna. The "active" antenna is a "long wire", it goes from the tail to the top of the cabin: take a look at some old Piper Cherokke aircraft (see **broken link removed** for an example)

Hope this could give you a practical idea of the subject.

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adf antenna

I'm an avionics engineer and i used to deal with ADF and other airborn avionics since 1997. The ADF uses 2 antennas, both of them is at the bottom of the fuselage one of them is called "loop antenna" wcich used to decide the direction of the signal and relay the output to a rotating goniometer that, in part, moves a pointer. The other is called "sense antenna" which is used to recieve the ground station audio signal and also to romve the amibguity.
I'm not sure now why you need your system to be digital , you can implement an analog system in a samall size too but you will put the reciver at any where in the fuslage with leaving a good place for the indicator at the dashbord.
any way, ill try to give you more details about the design of the ADF Circuits later on. Wish you to suply me with ur direct e-mail address, its much easier to contact you thier plus that im new here and i dont know how to manibulate this out. Im sure that we will figuer this out
good luck

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