Broken ICD2 - does not pass self test

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Junior Member level 1
Aug 28, 2007
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Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
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Broken ICD2

Dear friends,

I would like to take some tips from you!

Well, I've just won and ICD2 from a friend, he told me it was broken and he bought another one...

It connects and is normaly recognized by windows and mplab, the problem was that it did not passed on self test and did not connected with the target micro...

It is the revision 7, the version with CYPRESS USB CONTROLLER ( CY7C64613 )

Well, after some research the DG411DY was very suspectful, so I replaced..
The self test started to pass, now it can read the target voltage and the internal MCLR voltage, all great! 3.3V and 13.5V

well, the problem it: it do not connect yet!

Looking with some attention, I saw that the 74HA126 (U9) was replaced with very poor soldering job, soo I removed and re soldered it very carefully, the solder is perfect, looks original ( both, the DG411 also )

Can anyone try a tip?

Come on people, a little help would be great!

I was sniffing my scope, connected an PIC16F677 to the ICD2, when I proble directly from the PIC16F877, when I connect in the mplab, before I got the erro, there is a pulse on R16 and R21 (RC5 and RC4 on 16F6877) its data, but no pulse on R22 and RC3 pin, clock.

I think the PIC16F877 is damaged, I'm correct?

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