Begging for Help!

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Newbie level 1
May 20, 2011
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Please help, I am in a group of 3 with only a very slight knowledge of Verilog HDL courtesy of a book by Sameesh Palnitkar I believe, and have been given a project to create a Verilog HDL FPGA game using either a Xilinx Spartan 3A starter kit or a Xilinx Spartan 6 series board that is to be confirmed. The game is supposed to be Asteroids or something similar. My group consulted an employee from Avnet and he started talking about having to utilize RAM, buffer, something about either Microblaze or Picoblaze, softcore, CPU, and it being very difficult to complete in 4 months. The thing is, with us having no background in verilog HDL and the likes, we are lost on how to learn and complete such a feat in at least 4 months. We are also not University students as well. Please offer suggestions on how to best move forward with this project.

hi you can learn verilog in this group check all posts in group if you have any problem in syntax or other thing you can contact to bigdogguru here for reading about microblaze you can check link and examples Timer with Interrupts and search in net about Asteroids in any language try to understand it and implement in verilog..

Salim Palnitkar's verilog text is a fine book. it's too simple. if u read it once you will understand everything about how to code a program....

sorry it is Samir Palnitkar. This verilog text is a fine book. it's too simple. if u read it once you will understand everything about how to code a program...

I would also suggest people to try asic world ebsite.. it is simply everything.. but before that read Samir..

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