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basic working of EDGE and GPRS

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Advanced Member level 5
Advanced Member level 5
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi experts ,
i want to learn the working of EDGE and GPRS. i found a lot of threads relating it but not successfully got .anybody explain the working of both with s simplified manner

EDGE, or the Enhanced Data Rate for Global Evolution, is the new mantra in the Global Internet Connectivity scene. EDGE is the new name for GSM 384. The technology was named GSM 384 because of the fact that it provided Data Transmission at a rate of 384 Kbps. It consists of the 8 pattern time slot, and the speed could be achieved when all the 8 time slots were used. The idea behind EDGE is to obtain even higher data rates on the current 200 KHz GSM carrier, by changing the type of the modulation used.
With EDGE, the operators and service providers can offer more wireless data application, including wireless multimedia,e-mail (Web Based), Web Infotainment, and above all, the technology of Video Conferencing.
Now all these technologies that were named earlier, were the clauses of the IMT-UMTS 3G Package. But, with EDGE, we can get all these 3G services on our existing GSM phones, which might just prove to be a boon to the user.

EDGE allows its users to increase the data speed and throughput capacity, to around 3-4 times higher than GPRS.
Secondly, it allows the existing GSM or the TDMA carriers to give the sophisticated 3G services.

1. The biggest difference between EDGE and GPRS lies in the modulation scheme.
GPRS employs a Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) modulation architecture while
EDGE employs an eight-level phase shift keying (8PSK) modulation scheme.
2. GPRS increased data rates to a peak rate of 144 kbit/s (in reality 4-slot GPRS will be used dropping data rates to a
peak of 85.6 kbit/s), it still falls short in providing the bandwidth requirements carriers need to deliver high-speed data services.
EDGE technology, could boost data rate performance into the 384 kbit/s range while prepping their networks for eventual 3G operation.
3. An EDGE-enabled wireless devices product uses GMSK modulation for the control channels, and 8PSK for the data channels.
It consists of the 8 pattern time slot ,sir can you explain about it ?(working of time slot )?
has there two modulations in tower for EDGE and GPRS ?

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