band pass filter for EEG raw signal

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Newbie level 3
Aug 18, 2011
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im looking for bandpass filter matlab code for EEG signal. im interested to have filter for taking out gamma (25 to 80 HZ) signal from EEG raw signal. but im became confuse of lots of program which is exist and i dono how to use.
may anybody help me.

Since you're using matlab, use it to just design your filter! i'd use fdatool. Just put in your parameters and press 'go' basically
tank u in advance for your helping hand.
is there any way to bring my raw signal to FDA tool.
I have 19 channel EEG raw signal and im going to filter it. how can I use FDA to filter whole of the 19 channels together or I should do it channel by channel.

Oh hey, sorry I missed this update charlie.

If you haven't gotten it going yet, I can try to help

So no, you don't bring your signal into FDA tool. All FDAtool does is spit out coefficients. Just use the 'filter' command in matlab to process your actual data based on your designed coefficients.

There is probably some fancy math/matlab way to process all your data at once. I would probably just use a for loop with the 'filter' function.
I recommend using EEGLAB. It's a free Matlab toolbox that includes a gui interface for all kinds of EEG signal preprocessing and analysis.
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