avrdude and AT89S8253 conf file.

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Aug 3, 2001
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at89s8253 avrdude

The avrdude is a well known isp programming software for AVR family. Hopefully, is very easy to add new devices using the conf files. The conf file defines the device's ISP commands.
The new Atmel's MCS51 family devices like 89S51, 89S52 and 89S5253 have similar ISP commands with AVR devices. I tried to write a conf file definition for AT89S8253 and finally I succedded.
Here is the 89S8253 definition (add this to avrdude.conf or ~/.avrduderc)

# AT89S8253
    id               = "8253";
    desc             = "AT89S8253";
    chip_erase_delay = 20000;
    pgm_enable       = "1 0 1 0  1 1 0 0    0 1 0 1  0 0 1 1",
                       "x x x x  x x x x    x x x x  x x x x";

    chip_erase       = "1 0 1 0  1 1 0 0    1 0 0 x  x x x x",
                       "x x x x  x x x x    x x x x  x x x x";

    timeout		= 200;
    stabdelay		= 100;
    cmdexedelay		= 25;
    synchloops		= 32;
    bytedelay		= 0;
    pollindex		= 3;
    pollvalue		= 0x53;
    predelay		= 1;
    postdelay		= 1;
    pollmethod		= 0;

    memory "flash"
        size            = 12288;
        paged           = no;
        min_write_delay = 4000;
        max_write_delay = 9000;
        readback_p1     = 0xff;
        readback_p2     = 0xff;
        read            = "  0   0   1   0    0   0   0   0",
                          "  x   x a13 a12  a11 a10  a9  a8",
                          " a7  a6  a5  a4   a3  a2  a1  a0",
                          "  o   o   o   o    o   o   o   o";

        write           = "  0   1   0   0    0   0   0   0",
                          "  x   x a13 a12  a11 a10  a9  a8",
                          " a7  a6  a5  a4   a3  a2  a1  a0",
                          "  i   i   i   i    i   i   i   i";
	mode		= 0x21;
	delay		= 12;

    memory "signature"
        size            = 2;
        readback_p1     = 0x1E;
        readback_p2     = 0x73;
        read            = "0  0  1  0   1  0  0  0   x  x  x  x   x  x  x  x",
                          "x  x  1  1   0  0  0 a0   o  o  o  o   o  o  o  o";

With similar way is very easy to add new programming interface. avrdude supports all common AVR isp interfaces but atmel at89isp interface is not included. Here is the definition of at89isp cable:

  id = "89isp";
  desc = "Atmel at89isp cable";
  type = par;
  reset = 17;
  sck = 1;
  mosi = 2;
  miso = 10;

This definition must added to conf file.

For programming the 89S8253 an at89isp can be used or any other parallel programming device. I have tested the avrdude with at89isp and stk200 interfaces succesfully.

PS: Only byte mode Read/Writes operations supported.
I haven't tested the S51/S52 devices yet. But soon I will do that!

avrdude.conf s52

where can I find information about that progrramer?
is it open source ?
is the schematic available?
can I download its software?

avrdude at89s8253

The programmer is the official ATMEL 89ISP programmer (Order Code AT89ISP). The schematic is available in Atmel site but you can find it, here in the forum.
The programmer is very cheap and is available from Atmel's distributors (less than 20$). It is very easy also to build a clone.
The avrdude is open source project, more info : savannah.nongnu.org/projects/avrdude

89s8253 parallel

hi dude really good work done..

can you also provide the conf file for 89s51,52,8252 or give any sugessions on how to build those??

Please write it or give any clue i could not understand by the documentation of the avrdude..

avrdude pollmethod

Currently, I dont have any 89S51/52 devices available to write the conf file for them.
Because these devices have similar isp commands, the first thing to do is to study the isp commands of 89S51/2 devices from datasheets (only 1 page for each device)
Second, readback_p1 and readback_p2 settings must change to Hardware ID of the new devices.
Finally change the lines of pgm_enable, chip_erase, read and write commands according datasheet data.

It will be rather easy to make the changes. Use verbose flag to examine, what avrdude tries to do.

thank you veru much ..
i could add support for at89s52 ..

i am using usbasp programmer to program 89s52 chip .. sometimes i get the problem because of the reset .. all avr chip has active low reset and and the at89s** chips having active high reset .. is there any statement by which we can change the functionality for these devices .. i guess it ll make the programmer more reliable ..

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