avr microcontroller compiler program

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Newbie level 6
May 20, 2005
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anyone suggest on the best compiler commercially available on avr program?

I would say that codevision is the best. They have the prototype for all the control register which remove the hassle for looking up what type of microcontroller match with feature available.
hope it help


    Points: 2
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codevision is for C right? it's nice too i recomended that compiler. For assembly i still using AVR studio.

winavr is okay but there are so many thing you need to do it yourseft.
free<<-----mean , not so good

Rooftop said:
codevision is for C right? it's nice too i recomended that compiler. For assembly i still using AVR studio.

i agree

Avr is very nice<--There an powerful assembler for it and all kind of compiler.

Not true for 68h12 and pic. That's what keep my design mostly in AVR

phongle119 said:
winavr is okay but there are so many thing you need to do it yourseft.
free<<-----mean , not so good
Not any more, WinAVR is integrated in latest beta version of AVR studio (AVR Studio 4.12 release, build 460) Now it’s as simple as using any other compiler.

It can be downloaded from http://www.atmel.no/beta_ware/

WinAVR is good in C and it has good IDE. if anyone is interested in BASIC programming in AVR, i suggest u to use BASCOM AVR compiler produced by MCS electronics.
it's a nice compiler

CodeVisionAVR is the best C Compiler since it provides bit level access to the IO registers. Also it is easy to use and generates debug code fully compaitable with AVR Studio.

i Agree with the previous post there. Besides, if anyone happen to try codevision professional, you will find that there are bookmark and shortcut that will help us moving around a lots.

Winavr interface is nice too when it offer the expand the loop make it more readable. but beside it it 's nowhere compare to codevision for their completeness of microcontroller family that it support.


anybody need codevisionAVR goto:
it is the answear.

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