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Audio send via STm32f401 OR ble Sense Board

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Jan 21, 2022
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Hi , i am new in audio processing domain and need to send audio of surrounding to headphone via Bluetooth .
I have STm32F401nucleo board and also have Arduinos Ble Sense.

I am using Analog MSME mic and also have Digital PDM mic

But yet not find away for proper audio signal to send.

What is a "MSME" mic? Do you mean MEMS?

But what is your question? You mention 3 different audio sources and Bluetooth. Do you want to convert analog audio and transmit it via Bluetooth? PDM audio?

Break down the problem because, as @barry indicates, you are confusing yourself here.
To a large extent the source of the audio does not matter. I think you want to send audio from the STM32 to some headphones via Bluetooth. Concentrate on that first and worry about the source of that later.
There are a number of articles and videos on the Internet about STM32s and Bluetooth. Many use extensions to the STM32Cube IDE.
Later you can look to the audio source which is where your microphones and any other audio processing that you mention comes in. When you get to that part you will at ;east know that the headphones will receive whatever you generate.

hello all,

Thank you @Aussie Susan ,Yes you understood my purpose very clearly. i have CUI device Break out board of 2 analog and 2 digital mic. i worked with analog mic and its working properly .

I am confused in between STM32 and Arduino BLE which one is good for audio data to send over Bluetooth which will be receive via headphone wireless.

I designed circuit with analog mic and preamplifier circuit which working perfectly.

Well, I’m still confused.

what do you mean “analog mic and preamplifier circuit which working perfectly“? Do you mean you were able to transmit audio over Bluetooth?

What is your question regarding STM vs BLE Sense?

You can do audio over Bluetooth Classic or BLE. However I suppose the Classic version is more 'usual'.
Also I'm assuming that you have a battery powered headset, but are you expecting the STM32/Arduino to be battery powered? This might make a difference whether you choose Classic vs BLE.
Also if the headset can handle BLE (it should but you need to check).
Also some BLE devices can connect using the classic protocols but better check.
Also the STM23 vs Arduino comes down to what else to you want to do. The Arduino might be a bit more limited but if the Bluetooth connection is all that it has to handle then no problem. If you want to do some of the audio processing you mention, that might favour the STM32.
Unfortunately these are some of the design decisions that only you can make.
Just be clear what you are trying to do, then check all of the components (headphones included) that the can do their part and how.

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