Atmel TCP/IP for AVR coming

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Apr 26, 2001
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tcp ip avr

For people intressted, Atmel is soon releasing an app to handle a TCP/IP stack in an AVR AtMega103/104, one socket in ATMega161. UDP,SMTP,HTML etc.

Not realyy sure if it will cost money or is free to download. But it looks great.

If anyone gets hold of it, let me and the board know, please.


atmel tcp ip

Do you know when that is about to happen ?

A good info though. :smile:

avr tcp/ip

According to a tech guy in norway where atmel development is done it is supposed to be released next week.
Hope it is true.

Electronics World also have an article about TCP on a PIC 16F877 in the may & june issue.
But the AVR app looks promising.


avr tcp


e-lab compiler has alredy udp paket redy
end tcpip is sheduled to come near :smile:


avr tcp ip

Do you know where to find this app for e-lab?
Would like to have a look at it.


avr tcpip


it on the file manager under avrtool


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: omega on 2001-06-19 16:33 ]</font>

atmel tcpip

Here is the pressrelease. Couldn't find more info though. $299 dollars is the price.


Some of the text...

The AVR Embedded Internet Toolkit includes the following hardware & software: A reference design board and schematics based on the Mega AVR microcontroller, with On-Chip Flash program memory and up to 1MByte of external Flash for data storage. A PC serial cable, Ethernet cable, power adapter and documentation on a CD ROM which includes the source code for the HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DHCP, TCP, IP, ARP, UDP, ICMP protocols and low level interface drivers for an Ethernet controller, all for $299.

Explanation of the protocols supported with source code:
HTTP (hypertext Transfer Protocol) for displaying web pages
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server for remote up and downloading files
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) for sending mail
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) for automatic network configuration
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) transport layer protocol
IP (Internet Protocol) network layer protocol
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) for dynamic address mapping
UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for direct IP data transmission
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) for PING requests
Low level interface drivers for CS8900 Ethernet controller For more information about Atmel Embedded Internet Toolkit, please see

avr ip

TCP/IP for Atmer AVR ... Yeah good.
But does anyone has something similar for 51?
(I know that similar project is starting at (< czech language :sad:!! )


ip avr

How about Dallas Semiconductor TINI with Ethernet Connection + 80C390 + 512K Flash + 512K SRAM.

And it's available online. The whole complete package cost less than US$150 (if I'm not wrong).

Best Regards

avr ppp

Dallas Tiny is cool and is 50$...
don't miss this... :smile:

avr tcp/ip stack

aym said:
TCP/IP for Atmer AVR ... Yeah good.
But does anyone has something similar for 51?
(I know that similar project is starting at h**p:// (< czech language :sad:!! )

I have english version , see h**p://

atmega tcp ip

Hi all,

Does anyone has @TMEL's @Web evaluation kit TCP/IP,PPP library for KE*IL C51?

I really need it. 8O

at-modem, ppp, udp, icmp & tcp

Any update yet on the TCP/IP stack for Atmel?

Nick C.

avr ftp server

I had looked at lot of solutions for a project that I was developing which requires a good TCP/IP support, C compiler, serial ports and should be low cost solution.

I found that the Rabbit 2000/3000 range of solutions from Rabbit semiconductors is an excellent choice for all purposes. Be it educational or commercial production.

I have now build complete two products around Rabbit Core module 3100, which has TCP/IP support. Its development kit is also comfortably priced.

Also they have a range of core modules with different memory sizes and configuration


tcp/ip to avr schematic

There is also the free TCP/IP package (soft & schematics) for AVR Mega 103 from


Surely the stuff from is good and they are giving all the supporting documents along with it.. So if one can find someone to get the layered PCBs done and also get all the components (SMD) soldered well it will work.

I had considered this board just before going ahead with the Rabbit Core Module (RCM3010). The most important advantage I had with RCM3010 over the board are 1. I can flash the RCM more than 10000 times, 2. These RCM comes in different Flash and Memory configurations (so I could choose the right one for the project in hand) 3. It has 6-serial ports (which I needed very badly). 4. Support in India itself!!!

It was at the last moment that I switched to Rabbit. In future I may use In my case, the current project in hand suggest which hardware and/or software I should use.

Thanks and Regards

tcp stack for avr

AT-Modem, PPP, UDP, ICMP & TCP on Z8 and ATMEGA 128. Direct link to project file :
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

Sorry if it is repost .

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