Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the mesh?

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Newbie level 4
Jun 3, 2008
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human model and simulation .hfss


I am a new user of HFSS and I am using HFSS ver 10. I have to create a biomedical project and for that need to assign dielectric properties spatially or to each tetrahedron of the mesh created in HFSS for the geometry I import as SAT model. This is because tissues vary in the biological part and so does the dielectric properties. I have following doubts:

(1) Is there a way to access each tetrahedron after HFSS meshes the geometry and do some pre-processing ?

(2) Can material properties be assigned (in addition with frequency dependent) space-dependent. I know I can create approximate cylinders or spheres to model inside of the biological tissue but I want to seek more accuracy.

(3) Can I interface MATLAB to do the above?

I would be highly grateful for any ideas or suggestions from experienced users of HFSS as it is very recent I have started using this simulator and I am from biomedical discipline.


Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

Faced with this problem I would increase the granularity of the physical model until it was sufficently detailed. I would not think that trying to mess with the mesh in the way you propose would be likely to lead to success.

Are you building your body model from the ground up or did you find one somewhere? Ansoft has one that you can purchase.

HFSS is at version 11, you might want to use that.


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Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

Thanks for the reply.

I will get to HFSS ver 11. The thing is I have a biological 3D volume of an organ from MRI data with dielectric properties assigned to each pixel (very detailed as high resolution MR images) in MATLAB. I want to set-up a HFSS simulation by invoking it through MATLAB. I saw on this forum about MATLAB-HFSS API controls but have not been able to find any manual or document explaining what it is. I do not know whether it will solve my problem but would certainly like to gather information if such a thing is possible through any kind of programming. I am working in the medical discipline but investigation in electromagnetic interaction with biological tissues is very much required at the moment in my couple of projects (MR images is my source of modeling).

I agree with you that I cannot possibly access or mess with the mesh information in HFSS.

Any suggestions are welcome as I have just started using this tool.



Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

My guess is that you will be heading toward relatively complex models. With that in mind I would start by focusing on parametric modeling and scripting with the idea of being able to "automatically" intorduce changes without needing to redraw /rebuild your model with each iteration.

This can get a little tricky because with a parametric model changes are relatively easy if the model is appropriately structured. Figuring out before hand what is appropriate is the hard part.


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Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

Hello again

Is there a manual that can teach this type of modeling and scripting? How can I learn about this? I am very new to HFSS and can basically operate on the basis of understanding what their GUI has to offer.

Please help.


Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

Some documentqtion exists but finding it is a challenge. I have had the best luck using on-line help and I would recommend hooking up with their application engineers who are usually excellent.

They are more likely to help if you are current with your maintenance.

You can also look into VBscripting. I usually just hack it and record a script and then edit it with notepad. It is not elegant but is usually gets things done.

I would try to get my hands around parametric modeling first. You may not even need to fool with scripting much.


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Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

Hi Azulikit, hi Athrean,
I'm interested in a human body model in HFSS 'cause I'm doing a thesis about hyperthermia. Did you find this model by ANSOFT? Is it possible to get it for free?I would be very grateful of a reply.
Bye Pamela 81

Re: Assign material properties to each tetrahedron of the me

The model I was discussing with Ansoft was an electromagnetic based model with features appropriate for field analysis. The cost was significantly greater than a skate-board. It would be best to discuss use of the model with them. As a student it might be more available for you then for professional use.

It sounds like you are probably after a heat flow related analysis and something other than HFSS analysis. Keep that distinction in mind.

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