ASIC FPGA companies in Greece ?

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Member level 5
Feb 16, 2005
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fpga companies

Does anybody know what companies exist in Greece for ASIC, FPGA design?

asic job in greece

Salary is EUROS 1000 for freshmen.

I would say there might be no more than 250 people working here on digital design. Trends are that unless these companies market something SERIOUS with LARGE CLIENT BASE and enter the PDA, and other embedded areas, IT WILL DIE.

The companies have gotten into false paths on and on and on in the past. I am not aware of single GOOD digital product with a client space of more than 50 individuals are company clients.

Let me just say that I am not aware of a single Greek company supplying e.g. Greek univs. or schools. Remember the BBC micros back in the 80's selling to all British schools? No such thing here.

Greek engineers are quite good but budgets are respectively low. Things have gotten worse since the gold times of 1997-2000.
Analog greek engineers might have better chance with power supply design, UPS, RF etc.


asic company in greece

I've heard that ST micro is going to open a branch in Greece and wants to employ some eng. Is that true?

The bad think in Greece except the salary is that most of the IC companies running and controlled by Greek university professors. If you are not coming from a Greek university it is very difficult to find a job opening because the uni.professors hire their own students straight away.

Greek companies are recruited by Greek Engineers mainly. The trend here is that Engineers go abroad to find a job... With respect to ST's branch i have heard nothing!
However there are Greek companies which do Front-End for ST.


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