ARM Processor - request for resources

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samsung jtag

Well, maybe LART is a good project but doesn't work with Samsung s3f441. tested. i was so fast and didn't read all.
it seems the is no simpl printer port jtag interface for the
flash boot to the s3f441 flash memory. I am so lazy to make
modificatons on LART jtag. But more heads know more ..
Does any1 saw something like jtag which can flash boot in arm Flash ? ok here are two posibilities to write something in the arm flash. First is via jtag, the second is: something like 'angel', 'boot'
already has to be in flash and does init arm after reset and makes
uart for the channel for booting. Jtag is for the hw debugging of cause and need something like Multi ICE, very nice but to much money for just to try. Ok I am looking for the simpl printer port jtag
interface with sw which can flash boot in s3f441. trece or or who know ...

regards joos


hi joos !
I think you can interface via PC parallel port to every IC with jtag. The only problem is software.
I have connected to the Samsunng S3C44B (ARM7TDMI) via simple interface (Macrigor Wiggler clone and GreenHills Multi 2000. Crack for it you can ask on elektroda request forum. I think your chip is similar to S3C44B.
For SrongARM Intel gives FlashProgramming utility - only 5 wires and 4 resistors you need to pogram Flash via bounday scan. Unfortunately Strong ARM has no hardware debug port.
Best regards

PXA250 & DivX


If you want to decode MPEG-4 or DivX movies with PXA250 you will have some limitations:
- Core itself have enough power to decode full size movie, but limitation is displaying of it. If you want to use built in LCD controller for displaying movie you will use app. 75% of perrformance because LCD controller is on the same memory bus as SDRAM, Flash, etc. This will be fixed in new Vertigo series.

So if you want to built DivX player you should use new OMAP cpu from TI, who have DSP 55xx and Arm9T build inside. It have built in enough Video Ram and Video BUS is seperated. But there is another limitation:
- TI don't offer any kind of codecs for MPEG, MPEG4, MP3 etc for DSP. You can buy them from 3th party for "abnormal" price or develop it by yourself.

beste regards!

We did using Samsung S3F441 in our current project, thise size is small, and the FLASH and SRMA is cool. Of course ruuning in THUMB mode is a +.

We have tuned it ruuning at 30MHz and the stability is O.K. Wonder who runs it at 40MHz.

If you look into Samsung's WEB, there is a new release called S3F443 which can be operrated at 80MHz. But is it not pin-compatible to S3F441.

The Datasheet of S3F443

Please look the attached

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Re: Samsung S3F441

These documents is available from:
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