* Constructor.
* Prepares the output pins.
MFRC522::MFRC522( byte chipSelectPin, ///< Arduino pin connected to MFRC522's SPI slave select input (Pin 24, NSS, active low)
byte resetPowerDownPin ///< Arduino pin connected to MFRC522's reset and power down input (Pin 6, NRSTPD, active low)
) {
// Set the chipSelectPin as digital output, do not select the slave yet
_chipSelectPin = chipSelectPin;
pinMode(_chipSelectPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(_chipSelectPin, HIGH);
// Set the resetPowerDownPin as digital output, do not reset or power down.
_resetPowerDownPin = resetPowerDownPin;
pinMode(_resetPowerDownPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(_resetPowerDownPin, LOW);
// Set SPI bus to work with MFRC522 chip.
} // End constructor