Newbie level 6

We are using AT8942a voice OTP module in our project to play
some voices over the telephone line.
We have two systems on which we are testing the IC.
The specs of the systems are as follows:
1 -- One system is operating at 6 MHz frequency in 12T mode and is consist
megawin crystal oscillator MPC89E58Af.
2 --- Second system is using megawin MG84FG516 controller operating with
internal oscillator at 1.5 MHz of the frequency with 1T mode.
Now the at8942a chip is working fine with the first board but is not able
to provide the voice files over the line with the second board.
I checked the OUT1 line of at8942a chip on both the systems , one is
creating the H-L pulses after each query but in the second board there is no such
H-L pulses.
whereas the COUT pin is outputting the D/A signal in both the systems.
I want to know that what is happening and what could be the possible cause
of this unusual behaviour.
We are using AT8942a voice OTP module in our project to play
some voices over the telephone line.
We have two systems on which we are testing the IC.
The specs of the systems are as follows:
1 -- One system is operating at 6 MHz frequency in 12T mode and is consist
megawin crystal oscillator MPC89E58Af.
2 --- Second system is using megawin MG84FG516 controller operating with
internal oscillator at 1.5 MHz of the frequency with 1T mode.
Now the at8942a chip is working fine with the first board but is not able
to provide the voice files over the line with the second board.
I checked the OUT1 line of at8942a chip on both the systems , one is
creating the H-L pulses after each query but in the second board there is no such
H-L pulses.
whereas the COUT pin is outputting the D/A signal in both the systems.
I want to know that what is happening and what could be the possible cause
of this unusual behaviour.