Anyone with a Raspberry PI?

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Windows 8 should run natively on the PI I understand (but could be wrong) with the ARM native version eagerly awaited... I hope so!


Was just reading a review in Computer Active, did you order just the basic board or a fuller package ?
Seems to run the basic board you need a power supply, hdmi cable and SD card.

Not being negative , I'm not into PC programming but wonder what is the PIs advantage over say using VB and the like on the PC everyone owns these days ??
I have my PI in my hand, delivered today, I just need to find HDMI to VGA adaptation and I'm cooking! Cool

what is the PIs advantage over say using VB and the like on the PC everyone owns these days ??
For me its size and power and price...
I needed to link in a video-player to my information display at the NSC and the PI'd be ideal... Sending it serial commands over an FTDI and RF link to play videos is the sort of thing I'm thinking, easily implimented and pumped to a composite-video tv....

I've got the "RS package", PSU, (preinstalled) card and board.... I had no monitor I can plug it into to start but a rename of a file (to boot.rc) enables SSH and I can use X off it OK from the PC.... I tested it on the big TV and it works, a requirement of the OpenGL examples on the ready-to-go-ELinux image it's running... The video rendering example and the triangles "work", cool indeed.!

Fun, fun, and more fun

I have my PI in my hand, delivered today, I just need to find HDMI to VGA adaptation and I'm cooking! Cool
Lucky you!
I ordered mine on Sunday from when the website showed they had 100+ in stock. I got the order confirmation email which also said "Availability: In Stock" and that it will be shipped today.
When I checked the status of my order today, the website shows the item is back-ordered (WTH!). Talking to customer care did not help. I am sure they got a bulk order from someone and so they rejected mine and put me on back-ordered list. :sad:
I am so disappointed. Never going to order anything from Newark again!
Gah, it'll be here soon I hope! I'll look forward to you getting one and having a play!! I was *lucky* with mine, it came as a result of a mail from RS saying "order it now", and was here within 4 weeks...

I've got it connected to a media-streaming server (Just so I can use a USB-dongle to do Composite-Video) and have it internet-shh-able, so I've been demoing my open3d stuff and getting to see real-results, nice....

But, it needs fanning when it is at full-3d-pelt, the (excessive) 27' UK heat may be a factor but a 3" fan will be added when I make a box for it...

I'll give you an account (CMOS & all EDA-ers) if you want a "quick PI play" mate, ssh to my web address, and watch myWebAddress:8080 in media player to see whats happening on the video output! I need to make a car game and I recon this is the platform..!
Cool indeed

eh Bien!

**broken link removed**

When the "BIG TV" is in use I've got the PI's composite video plugged into a USB-video-input on my usual pc, so I can SSH to the PI, and play 3d coding but all nicely in separate windows... There's an "apt-get alsa-utils" to run and a module to start for enabling the sound on the RS-online's supplied OS and some of the Raspberry'sOwn, once that was sorted "she" rocks!!

I did manage to crash her with exceptional heat I recon, and mega 3d test I was doing... Now she's sat in the fan's output stream from the PC I've had no problems other than I've broken the SD card already and have a handi-grip keeping the card in place...

I can't wait to get to her GPIO but I've the UK NationalSpaceCentre's "International space station model"'s LED display to finish off 1st... If there are any special EDA visitors please let me know and I'll arrange a special message for you .!

Happy olympics to all
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