antenna design..plz help

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Newbie level 4
Oct 17, 2010
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plz help can u give me a perfect design of antenna that can receive cleared channels.. min of 13 channels it can receive..


I think you should provide more info to get useful feedback (frequency range, VSWR requirements, omni-directional, gain, noise aspects, etc)
Dear bisOn,
You have not specified the channel 13 channel's frequencies.
The solution for receiving all the 13 channels is a LOG Periodic antenna.
1)Fiend out frequencies of all 13 channels.
2)Calculate 1/4 wavelength for each channel.
3)Take aluminum tube of 1/2" diameter and cut 26 pieces(per channel 2) of 1/4 wavelength
4)Take TWO booms of suitable size.
5)Mount 13 pieces 1/4 on each boom, shortest piece on one end and longest at other end.
5A)Place the pieces at 0.15 to 0.2 wavelength from each other
6)Mount both the booms side by side but INSULATED from each other in a FISH BONE structure
7)Connect center conductor of co-axial cable to one boom and shield to other
8)Mount the antenna on suitable pole
You are ready to GO.
You can make some angle in those two booms i.e. making a cone like thing co-axial end as an apex.

Hello bisOn,

You have got a complete answer from Satish. One more thing to add, you need to know the polarization as well. Log periodic antenna is linearly polarized which is most likely to be your case as well. you may find the following website helpful.

Log Periodic Antenna Design by

dear friend
reception tv channels from air has some conditions.
one of them is to have LINE OF SIGHT, if there a building between your roof and
tv transmitter's antenna,you should risen the hight of your antenna or relocate it
to see the transmitter's antenna.
second-the signal level on your aantenna should be more than 60 dbmicrovolt.
if it is between 40-60 you may use high gain antenna and amplifier.
if it is below 40 you can not do anything.
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