Android controlled Video Bot. Help

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Newbie level 3
Nov 24, 2011
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Hi all,

This is my first post here. I am a student on Computer Science, Diploma III year. As my final year project, I opted to make a robot. It was a group decision actually, but now its all come to me. First it seemed like we could easily pull it off. But now after 6 months, there is no progress. Hence I have come to the forum to seek help.

The Robot is supposed to be controlled via bluetooth from an Android device.It should be able to send Video to the device. Thats it. I am guessing it will just be simple car sort of thingy. The budget is ~$150, can go a bit more. After a bit of R&D, we concluded that its not practical to use the BT for all the communication. So we are probably gonna look for other source, WiFi probably.

The worst part about all this is, we are complete noobs in robotics. Some of us can solder and stuff but thats all. But being computer students, we are well versed with coding.

So, help Please. Atleast guidance, where to start.


PS: I am from india

Hi Ashwin,

I am unclear about whether you want to control motion of the robot thru' the Android, or watch streaming video from the robot's camera on the Android. If you could clarify that, we'll take it from there.



Preferably both.

I want this to be controlled via android, at the same time, be able to view the video from the bot.
I understand, that it may be a difficult with just bluetooth, any suggestions?

The first is fairly easy. Use a BT adapter like the 'Linvor' series, very inexpensive and easy to use. The're available on Ebay for about USD 8, shipping included. Make sure you buy the ones which come pre-mounted on a baseborad PCB, as the originals use a very compact non-standard pitch for connections. Also, the baseboard PCB has an onboard 3.3 volt regulator.

On the Android side, start off with a terminal emulator; Blueterm is one example. Once you have confirmed your hardware link works, you can use a very powerful scripting tool called Bluescripts to send specific commands over BT.

I'm afraid I dont have an easy solution for your 2nd app; certainly not over BT, anyway.


Anand Dhuru

The first is fairly easy. Use a BT adapter like the 'Linvor' series, very inexpensive and easy to use. The're available on Ebay for about USD 8, shipping included. Make sure you buy the ones which come pre-mounted on a baseborad PCB, as the originals use a very compact non-standard pitch for connections. Also, the baseboard PCB has an onboard 3.3 volt regulator.

On the Android side, start off with a terminal emulator; Blueterm is one example. Once you have confirmed your hardware link works, you can use a very powerful scripting tool called Bluescripts to send specific commands over BT.

I'm afraid I dont have an easy solution for your 2nd app; certainly not over BT, anyway.


Anand Dhuru

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