an impact detection system for insurance companies

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Newbie level 6
Jul 27, 2011
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Hullo everyone
I am want to develop a system design for an impact detection system for insurance companies.
The system will have sensors on the speedometer , vehicle body , brakes to measure the speed, impact intensity, braking force respectively. the sensors will feed the data into a microprocessor which will process information according to the program it will be running.
the output of the microprocessor will be fed into a GSM module that will send the data to the insurance company. Data will only be sent when an impact is detected. After that I intend to add GPS functionallity to detect the location of a vehicle during an impact.
I need help on the way i can interconnect GPS,and impact detection module to the GSM module so that GSM can receive all the signals it has to send.

Like black box in an aircraft... Good idea.

You can connect gps and gsm to microcontroller through rs232. You may need 2 uart's.

It is better to store data before sending. This will be helpful if the impact happens in remote area where no network is available


This is like event data recorder / black box for vehicles. I developed a prototype of this 2 years back, with
1. lane sensors( proximity sensor),
2. impact sensor( pressure sensor),
3. Distance measurement ( Ultrasonic),
4. engine temp sensor ( LM35),
5. GSM,
6. GPS,
7. PWM for DC motor speed control, for reverse, gear 1,2,3,4,
8. CAN bus to get the data of all sensors and
9. store it in EEPROM (AT24c04),
10. jumpers used to show break failure , and wiper failure, and seat belt.....
11. push button for ignition key,
12. RF modules to show that car is controlled through PC...

I used LPC2129 for my project...

The new Ford Fusion (I presume other cars as well) come already equipped with many of the sensors you describe. One you don't mention that the Ford has is a "blind spot" sensor. As I recall, if a car is in your blind spot for more that 6 (?) seconds, the warning light is activated. That might be quite useful as one gets older and stiffer.

Back to the original post about a collision report system, some cars currently have an "air-bag deployment" sensor that notifies a call center when that occurs. I think it is important to set some threshold of seriousness, like air-bag deployment, for auto reporting of "collisions." I don't think reporting absolutely all bumps is a good idea.

Finally, with our ability to add sensors and warning lights, horns, etc. for so many things, one needs to consider driver workload. Too much sensory input can be as bad as too little. Aircraft pilots have complained about the problem of distinguishing really important warnings from nuisance warnings, particularly when things start to go bad.


Hi there, Thanks for sharing. Can you give us a little more detail on how to detect car collision using only pressure transducer? At what collision severity does the vehicle have to be in before the sensors trigger? How does your algorithm work?

One way i did was to keep a wrap the front dash board with silver foil and place a spring at the back of dash board. when the car used to dash the dash board used to press the spring.. a wire was taken and connected to port pin... when the spring got compressed, it used to ground the port pin, so status of port pin used to change..

other time i used a pressure transducers circuit available in local market which worked on same principle of the first one...

I am sorry I haven't been on the forum for some days. Thank you all for the contributions and advice you gave me.
I think I should include the following in my design:
GSM , GPS receiver , sensors-(lane sensor, battery sensor, etc) , UART & rs232 to connect the GPS/GSM to microprocesser , CAN,

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