an anolog CURRENT divider

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who dont you 1st design it with op-amps and than make a simple opamp on the transistor/fet level like a 741, there are schematics for it everywhere.

Hi Friends,
Can't we use NORTAN opamp for this??

Hey..Thanks every body...
What 's a nortan op-amp?please tell me..

I think what you want is ECL-like structure to implement it, it can get high noise rejection and high speed, but power consuption is large

I think that if both of (I1+I2) and (I1-I2) are positive, you can use "log" and "exp" functions (using OpAmps) to devide those currents.
I mean : exp( log(I1-I2)-log(I1+I2))=(I1-I2)/(I1+I2)
You have to investigate the required accuracy.

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