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Amateur radio: Whether to make a circuit or to get the radio BUILD VS BUY

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Newbie level 4
Newbie level 4
Mar 25, 2011
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I wanted to know, whether it would be wise to build my own circuit from components, PCB/breadboard etc referring to the circuit diagrams available for amateur radio (listening... DXing mainly) OR to purchase good manufactured kit/rig from reputed companies at a cost.

The thing is I do not have a license yet, and do not have much knowledge about transmitting and QSO....however what caused me to ask this question was this:
With my Rs 100 (2$) cheap hand-held China-made radio (some Kchibo named company) i received stations of Persia, Libya, Syria even Dushanbe. (i.e. 2000-3000 kms of DXing from my location in Goa) This i confirmed from the broadcast language, and cross-checking the frequency with resources on the internet (AM: 450 to 1700 KHz....the net band my small radio offers) This was done in the night time when local stations had shut down for the night. The details aside, i wanted to hear to more stations (difficult with my cheap radio i have now!), and as I am interested in giving the HAM license exam anyway, you would need equipment in the future! So this is my dilemma.

Would be better to buy one or to build one.

PS: I have 2 months of vacation... so i have time to make and test the circuit!

my suggestion is to buy a HAM set first .
learn all components .what they are. it is not radio alone , you have antenna too.
when you see , operate and learn , you get great amount of knowledge in HAM.

then , afterwards , start building your own.
if you build in initial stage , you may not reach your goal.

Agree with above, plus you can buy stuff well cheap nowadays anyway.
You might be better on a proper Ham forum, they seem to be willing with newcomers.

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