Junior Member level 2

Hello people,
I am designing a RISCV ALU on VIVADO and i want all the instructions as sub-blocks as seen the code below(carry-lookahead adder/subtractor). I want only one carry-lookahead adder/subtractor in the ALU for the different instructions like add and subtract. Can you help me about that. In the output i see only high impedance.
I improved the design as seen below but i get error about the out signal.
What do i do wrong.
thanks in advance
I am designing a RISCV ALU on VIVADO and i want all the instructions as sub-blocks as seen the code below(carry-lookahead adder/subtractor). I want only one carry-lookahead adder/subtractor in the ALU for the different instructions like add and subtract. Can you help me about that. In the output i see only high impedance.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module alu(
input [31:0] X, //instruction input
input [31:0] A, //data input
input [31:0] B, //data input
output reg [31:0] C
wire [31:0] add, sum;
wire C5;
carry_lookahead M0(A, B, 0, add, C5);
carry_lookahead M1(A, B, 1, sum, C5);
///////////////////////// R TYPE /////////////////////////
wire [6:0] funct7;
//reg [4:0] rs2; //address
//reg [4:0] rs1; //address
wire [2:0] funct3;
//reg [4:0] rd; //address
wire [6:0] opcode;
///////////////////////// I TYPE /////////////////////////
wire [11:0] imm;
//reg [4:0] rs1; //register adress
//wire [2:0] funct3;
//reg [4:0] rd; //register adress
//wire [6:0] opcode;
wire [31:0] imm_i;
assign imm_i = {{20{imm[11]}}, imm[11:0]};
wire [31:0] sum_imm;
carry_lookahead M2(A, imm_i, 0, sum_imm, C5);
assign funct7 = X[31:25];
//assign rs2 = X[24:20];
//assign rs1 = X[19:15];
assign funct3 = X[14:12];
//assign rd = X[11:7];
assign opcode = X[6:0];
assign imm = X[31:20];
always @(funct7[5], funct3, opcode, A, B)
C = 0;
case (opcode)
7'b0110011: case(funct3)
3'b000: case(funct7[5])
1'b0: C = add; //add
1'b1: C = sum; //sum
3'b001: C = A << B; //sll
3'b010: C = (A < B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //slt(signed)
3'b011: C = (A < B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //sltu(unsigned)
3'b100: C = A ^ B; //xor
3'b110: C = A | B; //or
3'b111: C = A & B; //and
7'b0010011: case(funct3)
3'b000: C = sum_imm; //addi
3'b010: C = (A < imm_i) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //slti(signed)
3'b011: C = (A < imm_i) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //sltiu(signed)
3'b100: C = A ^ imm_i;//xori
3'b110: C = A | imm_i;//ori
3'b111: C = A & imm_i;//andi
--- Updated ---
I improved the design as seen below but i get error about the out signal.
What do i do wrong.
thanks in advance
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module alu(
input [31:0] X, //instruction input
input [31:0] A, //data input
input [31:0] B, //data input
output reg [31:0] C
reg [31:0] in1, in2, out;
reg M, C5;
carry_lookahead M0(in1, in2, M, out, C5);
///////////////////////// R TYPE /////////////////////////
wire [6:0] funct7;
//reg [4:0] rs2; //address
//reg [4:0] rs1; //address
wire [2:0] funct3;
//reg [4:0] rd; //address
wire [6:0] opcode;
///////////////////////// I TYPE /////////////////////////
wire [11:0] imm;
//reg [4:0] rs1; //register adress
//wire [2:0] funct3;
//reg [4:0] rd; //register adress
//wire [6:0] opcode;
wire [31:0] imm_i;
assign imm_i = {{20{imm[11]}}, imm[11:0]};
assign funct7 = X[31:25];
//assign rs2 = X[24:20];
//assign rs1 = X[19:15];
assign funct3 = X[14:12];
//assign rd = X[11:7];
assign opcode = X[6:0];
assign imm = X[31:20];
always @(funct7[5], funct3, opcode)
C = 0;
case (opcode)
7'b0110011: case(funct3)
3'b000: case(funct7[5])
1'b0: begin
in1 = A;
in2 = B;
M = 0;
out = C; //add
1'b1: begin
in1 = A;
in2 = B;
M = 1;
out = C; //sum
3'b001: C = A << B; //sll
3'b010: C = (A < B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //slt(signed)
3'b011: C = (A < B) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //sltu(unsigned)
3'b100: C = A ^ B; //xor
3'b110: C = A | B; //or
3'b111: C = A & B; //and
7'b0010011: case(funct3)
3'b000: begin
in1 = A;
in2 = imm_i;
M = 0;
out = C; //addi
3'b010: C = (A < imm_i) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //slti(signed)
3'b011: C = (A < imm_i) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //sltiu(signed)
3'b100: C = A ^ imm_i;//xori
3'b110: C = A | imm_i;//ori
3'b111: C = A & imm_i;//andi
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