Alias for a type and std_logic_vector2

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Newbie level 6
Oct 6, 2009
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(1) Can I use alias for type? I would like something like:

alias my_type : std_logic(0 downto 12);​

I don't want to write for all my signals "std_logic(0 downto 12)". It's easier if I use an alias like:
signal one : my_type;​

(2) How do I access a column from a std_logic_vector2(0 to 2, 15 downto 0). The Xilinx ISE generates such a signal for Post-Route simulation and I cannot handle it right in the test bench.
I want for example
signal one : std_logic_vector2(0 to 2, 15 downto 0);
one(0)(everything) <= x"AA";


many problems here:
1. std_logic is not an array type. std_logic_vector is
2. You cannot use (0 downto 12). This is a null array. You mean (12 downto 0) or (0 to 12)
3. use a subtype to create your own type.

subtype my_type is std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);

signal one : my_type;

4. you cannot have a 2D std_logic_vector like that. you have to declare an array type of std_logic_vector (or my_type)

type std_logic_vector2 is array(0 to 2) of my_type;

signal one : std_logic_vector2;
hi trickydicky,

1-3. I wrote everything in a hurry and very late in the night. Yes I wanted to write: std_logic_vector(12 downto 0). Sorry for posting with a lot of mistakes. Yes, it's so simple with subtype, thanks.

4. There is a standard std_logic_vector2 type. You can find it in the SIMPRIM library. In xilinx ISE if you generate the files for the POST-ROUTE simulation you will get a "my-file"_timesim.vhd file. All the components for POST-ROUTE simulation can be found in SIMPRIM library. And in this library the std_logic_vector2 type is defined.

These are some lines from an automatically generated Xilinx ISE file:

-- Purpose:    
--     This VHDL netlist is a verification model and uses simulation 
--     primitives which may not represent the true implementation of the 
--     device, however the netlist is functionally correct and should not 
--     be modified. This file cannot be synthesized and should only be used 
--     with supported simulation tools.
-- Reference:  
--     Development System Reference Guide, Chapter 23
--     Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide, Chapter 6

library IEEE;
library SIMPRIM;

entity my_entity is
  port (
    clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; 
    reset : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; 
    output1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR2 ( 2 downto 0 , 15 downto 0 ); 
    output2 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR2 ( 2 downto 0 , 15 downto 0 ); 
    input1 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR2 ( 2 downto 0 , 15 downto 0 );


the SIMPRIM library is not standard, it is a XILINX library. And the big big problem with 2d vectors of std_logic is that they are not compatible with std_logic_vector, so you have to use functions to assign std_logic_vectors to std_logic_vector2. (or loops)

Personally I would avoid std_logic_vector2. It is a kludge that is not very user freindly.

It's easy to add std_logic_vector2 to your code without using the said library:
TYPE std_logic_vector2 IS ARRAY ( NATURAL RANGE <>,NATURAL RANGE <>) OF std_logic;
But you have to consider how you want to assign it's slices to std_logic_vector and vise versa. I assume, that the Xilinx library has functions for it, otherwise you have to define it yourself.

it looks like, at least for sim, the syntax should be something along the lines of x(1,x'range(2)). No idea if that actually works, or what type it returns. I suspect it is an error, but might be useful to make a function "get_col(slv2,int) return slv". it looks like 'left, 'right, 'high, 'low, 'length, and 'range all support an argument for the dimension.

At least my tool (Altera Quartus) gives an error that slices aren't allowed for multi-dimensional objects. I'm under the impression, that it's a general VHDL restriction, but I didn't check with the IEEE standard.

You cannot slice a multi dimensional array, you have to either assign the whole lot, or 1 entry at a time, so a function is needed if you want to assign whole buses.

as for attributes, you have to specify the dimension of the attribute, like 'range, 'left etc.

possibly more helpful to the OP:
many vendors prefer arrays of arrays. eg:
type my_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector(x downto y);

this fits very well into the concepts of RAMs/ROMs, as wells a arrays. It isn't a good model for matricies though -- as you've noticed there is no simple "get column" construct. (or transpose, ect...)

Because Xilinx/Altera both seem to prefer this array-of-array construct, I suggest you think about using it as much as possible. Even when the vendor's tools do allow 2-d arrays, it is more likely that they will do a better job with the aoa syntax than with some syntax that they make no claims to.

many vendors prefer arrays of arrays.
Yes, and most VHDL programmers, too. I never used the said two-dimensional array construct before.

But if I understood the original post correctly, the 2D-array is used by a Xilinx tool, so it's necessary to manage a conversion. A solution has been already suggested in the previous posts.

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