Algorithm for increasing radar resolution with interpolation

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Full Member level 4
May 1, 2004
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Radar resolution

I know that there is some algorithm that can increase the resolution of RADAR using interpolation, I was wondering if anyone have any resources

Radar resolution

i dont think that interpolation will increase the resolution, should be the same.
if u need more resolution, more data is required.
otherwise u need high resolution techneque, which consumes more resource and time

Re: Radar resolution

I really didn't mean resolution improvement, what I meant was estimation of the existance within the available resolution. Although a higher resolution need more data, i.e more bandwidth. but I believe I have read a paper about the behavior of the sidelobes of the FFT of a range finder RADAR, this paper shows that there is asymmetry on the FFT side lobes and that through interpolation and some search algorithm a more resolution "estmation" can be achieved , meanwhile I have seen some wok done with some range finder radar that effectively increase the resolution "estimation", in otherwords there is some technique, through which you can improve the estimation of the existance point within the already available resolution of the RADAR which may not be equivlent to the improvement in resolution through more data but it has an effectively impressive results.

Re: Radar resolution

you are right. By using the sidelobe or the information out of bandwidth,it can improve the resolution of RADAR. Actualy, it will burden the computation.

Re: Radar resolution

I know, but is there any algorithm available or any technical papers

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