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Aging simulation with RelXpert and Eldo

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Sep 28, 2010
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Hello everyone

I would like to simulate the aging behavior on circuit-level of the circuits built by bulk-Si CMOS technology. I know that there is a tool named “RelXpert” (combined with UltraSim) in Analog Design Environment (ADE) of Cadence Virtuoso can be used for aging (NBTI and HCI) simulation. However, how to get the aging model file (which describes, e.g., Vth shift and mobility degradation over time for the individual devices under stress) needed by RelXpert? I have access to design kits from TSMC, IBM, and STM (65nm, 90nm, 0.13um, 0.18um). Has the aging model file already provided within these design kits? If so, how to find it?
Or, is it only available by contacting the foundry?

Besides, Cadence shows that RelXpert can be used with Spectre with in ADE in IC61x version. - Track1-3 - Xiao Wang - Cadence_Final.pdf
I have tried with IC613, but there is no “RelXpert”item under “Simulation” in ADE, as shown in the linked pdf above. So, how to get access to RelXpert, just like the way shown in that pdf?

Besides, I know that there is a simulator named “Eldo” from Mentor can perform aging simulation. IBM cmos65nm technology (i.e. STM 65nm) provides the aging model file that can be used in Eldo. The manual of STM 65nm shows that Eldo can be selected and used within ADE. However, I can not find Eldo in the simulator menu in my ADE. I guess this is because Eldo is not loaded into Cadence when it is started. So, how to get access to Eldo in ADE?

Thank you very much!
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The aging simulation capability doesn't depend on the simulator; it depends solely on the model, i.e. if the model (BSIM3 Level 49 or 53) includes the NBTI- or HCI-relevant parameters,
s. the appended hspice_simulation+analysis_user_guide.pdf . Both Synopsys' HSPICE's MOSRA (MOSFET Reliability Analysis, s. here) and C@dence' SPECTRE are capable of simulating aging.

View attachment hspice_simulation+analysis_user_guide.pdf
Hi all!

I hv a qs regarding the aged model. How can we use model developed by ASU as in PTM for NBTI model? Can it be used in relxpert or eldo? if can, how can we integrate the model into the simulator?

thank you

Hi bsh3!

I am now intersted in the transistor decives' reliability too.I also know that the "RelXpert" can do aging (NBTI and HCI) simulation.But I only have the experience of Ultrasim and Spectre,and it is said that there is a "Virtuoso RelXpert Realiability Simulator User Guide".What makes me desperate is that I cannot find this User Guide and even something about the using of RelXpert!

So,do you have the User Guide or anything about the study of RelXpert? And can you send me one ?
My Email:

Thanks for you so much!

- - - Updated - - -

Hi bsh3!

I am now intersted in the transistor decives' reliability too.I also know that the "RelXpert" can do aging (NBTI and HCI) simulation.But I only have the experience of Ultrasim and Spectre,and it is said that there is a "Virtuoso RelXpert Realiability Simulator User Guide".What makes me desperate is that I cannot find this User Guide and even something about the using of RelXpert!

So,do you have the User Guide or anything about the study of RelXpert? And can you send me one ?
My Email:

Thanks for you so much!

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