Member level 1

my project is fpga implementatio of UART design ..
i successfully download the bit stream file into fpga sparten 3E (xc3s500e) and for testing our design
i am using two RS232 cable ..
one cable for send data from one pc and other for receive data ..
now the problem is this , that how can i send data from pc through cable ??
is hyperlink software is necessary for this purpose ??
using hyperlink how can i send data in bitstream form ??
i successfully download the bit stream file into fpga sparten 3E (xc3s500e) and for testing our design
i am using two RS232 cable ..
one cable for send data from one pc and other for receive data ..
now the problem is this , that how can i send data from pc through cable ??
is hyperlink software is necessary for this purpose ??
using hyperlink how can i send data in bitstream form ??