Advanced Encryption Standards (AES) Source Codes?

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Member level 1
Sep 6, 2005
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Does any1 knows where to get the AES full source codes?

i need to do encryption for .txt type of files.

need help...thanks...

I have seen an application from atmel for hex boot loader. You can see in AVR application on Atmel website.

For a PC implementation:
searching for "aes source code" in google gives me
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(rijndael is the one who made it to aes)
this code is good for use on a PC (although it might be timing attack vulnerable, which is a theoretical attack that uses advanced timing information based on the fact that not all paths (for different values) have the same length. It's theoretical and requires lots of timing information. You should probably care more about this when developping smartcard applications and not so much when developping PC software)

this might be usefull too for a PC implementation:
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For a microcontroller these implementations consume too much RAM
even the AVR bootloader uses too much RAM since it's purpose is using little ROM. It calculates the S-Box, inverse S-Box and does the key expansion in RAM. (They have their reasons since it must fit in a 4k or smaller bootloader ;-) ) When you're low on RAM you should look at the pic application notes which do key expansion (for encryption and decryption) at runtime, one key a time.
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Thanks guys....

Well Antharax has given a better view for the project that i'm currently doing.

Anthrarax wrote:

For a microcontroller these implementations consume too much RAM
even the AVR bootloader uses too much RAM since it's purpose is using little ROM. It calculates the S-Box, inverse S-Box and does the key expansion in RAM. (They have their reasons since it must fit in a 4k or smaller bootloader ) When you're low on RAM you should look at the pic application notes which do key expansion (for encryption and decryption) at runtime, one key a time.

Well Antharax, the pic i'll be using is PIC16F877A.while the pic that was tested by the appilaction notes from Microchip that u directed in www uses PIC16C622A.

Da whole idea of my project is to send the a plain text file(probably fr application like Notepad) from PC and let the PIC based hardware to do the encryption.Then later the cipher text produced from the PIC must be sent to the PC to display.

After that this cipher text should be sent to PIC to decrypt n get the original plain text.

My questions are :
1) how can i send a plain text file(.txt file) from PC to the PIC based hardware that i'll be doing?
2)How can i display the results of encryption & decryption from the PIC based hardware to my PC?

Need advise...


I would say by UART
Use the PC serial port to send your file to the uC
you can do this by hyperterminal
(standard windows application start->accesoires->communications)
It can also store the received data in a file (but it has it's trouble with binary data).


Added after 46 seconds:

don't forget to use a RS232 convertor to convert from ttl or 3V to Serial port levels

Implementation of AES PIC16F877?

thanks Antharax...

I'll work on it...

oh my gods . thanks all , I have a project about AES use systemC . This topic is very useful for my

why not use OpenSSL?
you can use openSSL to write your own encryption
programs and it uses all kinds of encryption, DES, its better AES, RSA. call it OpenSSL can do it.

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