AC/DC PFC and PWM simulation

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Member level 5
Apr 14, 2005
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Hi friends!!

now i am doing a IC of pfc and pwm control , but now simulatin is confuse me

i use spectre ,nanosim and hspice to simulate it ,but it too slow .
how can i do it fast in cadence,whiche software is used????

alse i have two transformer,but i do not know how to set the param

How much is the settling time?

Added after 32 seconds:

or, what are the spec s?

I think , in AC/DC .. simulation time also to > 100ms order ..

like start Up ..
in real system maybe > 1~2 sec ..

for speed up simulation time can use initial condition , skip start up

another use other simulation tool . like adit nanosim
but , adit maybe ignore tranformer spike . some pwm simulation
adit will simulation fail by "spike"

by the wy , how to write tranformer ? some tranformer have Gap .

switch mode power supplies
spice simulation & practical designs / christophe P.BASSO
=> good textbook

I want know how to build up the transformer with auxiliary with spectre simulator.

for system level design, matlab can do a faster simulation.

I feel the the loop mode is hard, transformer mode and the simulation is hard,I desiged the AC/DC chips, I divided the starting up and normal work for simulation, the transformer need design used the power sourse.

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