A small prblem need to help

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Newbie level 6
Nov 16, 2005
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Hi All ,
I doing a small project and i need a dc motor in special size ( to harmonise with its space ). i found it in an old printer , but i could not know the value of typical voltage which i must use for it, and there are no thing was written on the body of the motor.
are there any way can i use ( measure or any same way ) to know the voltage or current that will be used for it ??

thanx for any help .

If you can get the part number you may look for specification on net. else you have to look for schematics.

I think it is not a dc motor, it may be a stepper motor

on it is a dc motor( it have just 2 wires) , the stepper motor have 4 lines or wires on less.

sorry, i mean NO it is dc motor.

standard sevro high power /numatic use.also Dc motors with worm gear to give a lot of power and slow speedand control circ may maximise teh speed also .if u use steeper it give a low power but max speed

if your DC moto is low power supply,and brushness then the volt may be 6v,9v,12v,24v.......48v.
DC moto's speed relate to the voltage.,and DC moto's torsion relate to the current.
you can use a DC voltage supplier give power to your moto,from zero voltage.
And you use an encoder or other devise,to detect your moto's speed.
The speed will accelerate along with you enhance the DC supplier's voltage.
Once you fine the moto gets its MAX speed from a voltage(even if the voltage you give to the moto is more higher,the moto's speed will no more fast.)for example:3000rad/min from 22V to more higher voltage.Then,your moto's MAX speed is 3000rad/min,and the supply voltage should be 24V.
you may ask:why no 22V? Because the moto's load is empty,so it can get its MAX speed at 22V.
But how to fine the MAX current which your moto can use,is more difficult. You should use a torsion sensor to detct the torsion on the moto's out-axis,and supply a slowly enhace current to your moto on the condition of the voltage which you have got above. if the torsion gets MAX, then the current is you need.

if it is necessary, I can sand you the protel schedule from E-mail.
you can contact me : aaaaaaaaaalyl@163.com

Hi wini
if the printer was HP model, I think the hp company use the motors that made by
Buehler cmpany . U can try this web:
**broken link removed**


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