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A microprocessor support RTOS, means what?

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Member level 4
Feb 13, 2008
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Hai all,

A microprocessor support RTOS,
A microprocessor not support RTOS,

what is the difference?
Explain me as soon as possible.

Thanks and Best Regards
R. Raju

Beacuse of peripheral dependencieslike larger memory requierement some microprocessor can not support some or all type of RTOSes, in that case if one need RTOS either he has to take one customized scheduler. So in that case due to footprint size that microprocessor series can not support a particular RTOS or all other RTOSes.
The following itmes is the minimum requierments for RTOS
1- enough space to fit the OS footprint. (Flash or RAM)
2- A Timer that conected to interrupt as tick timer, ( so it needs interrupt and timer)
3- enough space for contex switch (Stack, heap,...)

No processor REQUIRES an RTOS. RT is a feature of the programming, not something a processor can DEMAND.

EVERY processor that I know of supports RTOS - a hardware interrupt will interrupt at next instruction. It is basically the OS that stops that and handles things in a non-real-time fashion.
basically RTOS is a pre compiled software that as an executable or ( as some header files added to project and compiled with application program and loaded) into the controller or processor.

So this requirement should be known.. if er dont use RTOS then all the programming has to be done by the application programmer..

RTOs is like a ready made solution for any programmer and lessens his burden to develop software for a product....

Hai sivaraman,

You mean, for eg: I2C communicaton between processor and memory,

if we use RTOS means, the read and write fns are added as header files and they are called by us in required place in the coding ------------ is correct.

In non- rtos means, we have to wire the read and write fns and we need to call in the required place.

because of these how the code is getting simplified.
1. using rtos we added as header file - anyway the read and write codes are added.
2. in non-rtos we added as function.

the two cases, the read and write fns are added.
How the rtos is giving advantage over Non rtos. (i am not clear, so i asked like this)

Kindly explain me.

thanks in advance
R. Raju

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