A few questions about protocols..

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Full Member level 4
Nov 30, 2004
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I'm doing a study on MPLS. Though I've read it many times, I'm not able to get hold of a few things... I'd be grateful if someone could let me know about the following:

1. MPLS has a TTL field. But IP already has one. I know both TTLs are of different layers but aren't we wasting 8-bits?

2. What is MPLS trying to achieve? Are we trying to achieve better CPU utilization at the cost of inefficient Bandwidth utilization? (Thats because of an extra TTL)

3. What would be the approx increase in the efficiency compared to a standalone IP Network after MPLS has been implemented?

4. Routers are to be reprogrammed to be made compatible with MPLS. How difficult would that be?

5. What is the average time required to process an IP packet?

6. I have a LAN in my home... I know I cannot implement MPLS here. But how can I analyse the IP architecture? I mean, what software package can I use?

7. After upgrading to the MPLS architecture how can I analyse the network performance? Is there any tool that can compare this?

8. Finally, in the Explicit Routing, we stack labels... what is the limit of this stack? I mean, how many labels can we stack together?

If someone has acquaintance with MPLS, kindly help me out...

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