A Core ARM Processing Board Announced by GAO

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Mar 16, 2009
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Toronto, Canada - GAO Tek Inc.'s (www.GAOTek.com) new version of its ARM Development Kit (LPCEB2000-A) processing board is designed to extend the basic features of its NXP microcontroller, which has an ARM-based core. It is intended to drive the most demanding applications with tremendous flexibility and can be mounted directly on top of an expansion board to form a complete hardware system.
GAO's ARM LPCEB2000-A processor board is based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller operating at up to 60MHz frequency band. The processor board provides for advanced embedded peripherals and has extensible pin-headers on the edge. It features on-chip battery and power status indicator LED as well as a 10MHz crystal for CPU. In addition, it enables the speed up of the development process.
For more information about GAO's ARM LPCEB2000-A processor board, please visit www.GAOTek.com or contact sales@GAOTek.com
About GAO Tek Inc.
GAO Tek Inc. is a leading provider of test and measurement equipment, embedded development tools, telecommunication testers, electronic measurement instruments, video surveillance, alarm and other electronic products that serve the needs of electronic professionals internationally.
For more information please visit http://www.GAOTek.com.
For any media queries:
Director of Marketing,
416-292-0038 ext 228
GAO Tek Inc. is a member of GAO Group, which also includes
1. GAO RFID Inc. - http://www.GAORFID.com
2. GAO Research Inc. - http://www.GAOResearch.com
3. GAO RFID Asset Tracking - http://www.GAORFIDAssetTracking.com
4. GAO Embedded - http://www.GAOEmbedded.com
5. GAO Instruments - http://www.GAOInstruments.com
6. GAO Comm - http://www.GAOComm.com
7. GAO Fiber Optics - http://www.GAOFiberOptics.com

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