8051 print graphic on dot matrix printer

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Advanced Member level 4
Jun 28, 2001
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epson dotetd matrix printer escp command

Does anyone do something like to post subject?
with escape command ESC+*, ESC+J

Please advise.

escape command epson lx-300

hi ZeRoN,
look at the EPE_Juli_2001 on MCU fleman.

print with microcontroler 8051

Do you have the manual for the printer? I haven't
done this in many years, but I remember finding
everything I needed to know in the printer manual.
Maybe they don't make manuals as helpful as they
used to.

If you don't have the manual, see if you can find an
old Epson dot matrix printer manual. Fascinating
reading - really!


Can someone use Epson 150-II ? I want to know more about it.

esc dotmatrix mcu

I'm using Fujitsu FTP-609 series with controller board FTP-629DCL

They said, epson compatible ESC command,
ESC+*+m+n1+n2+d1+...+dN - print graphic
ESC+J+n - feed and print

I try but they printout japanese character.

I would like get some advise from someone who success with print graphic on epson printer.


8051 dot matrix

I found the point of problem now.

ESC * m n1 n2 d1 ... dN
EPSON -> dX is 8bits=8dots/column.
Fujitsu -> dX is 8bits=8dots in printing row.

used combination with GS E n, GS W n m

I know by download FTP629 driver for windows, print simple bitmap
graphic to a file, then see to output from driver.

dot matrix esc(27) chinese

ZeRoN said:
Does anyone do something like to post subject?
with escape command ESC+*, ESC+J

Please advise.

Here is function for graphics printing on Epson LX-300 fo 8051:
mov A,#27 ;set height of the string 1/8" 20/180"
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#48 ;
lcall PrintByte

mov DPTR,#PrintRAM ;
mov R7,#NumStr ;number of strings to print

PVCycle1: mov R6,#StrWide ;begin new string
mov A,#10 ;LF
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#13 ;CR
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#9 ;TAB
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#27 ;960 points per line
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#76
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#Low(StrWide*2) ;length of the string
lcall PrintByte
mov A,#High(StrWide*2)
lcall PrintByte

PVCycle2: movx A,@DPTR
lcall PrintByte
lcall PrintByte
inc DPTR
djnz R6,PVCycle2
djnz R7,PVCycle1

mov A,#12 ;Form Feed
lcall PrintByte

old epson matrix graphic printer

can you attach the complete documentation sir?

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