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8051 controller always hangs up after power on

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hassan ali

Member level 2
Member level 2
May 18, 2010
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i have already set up my project but the controller always hang up after power on , why it's hang up , and what is the resources affects on 8051 to hang it up????

and how can i solve this problem?????

Re: 8051 hang up problem

how you judge it hand up?
there may be software mistake problem. try after correcting coding.
or micro controller is damaged. replace it.

Re: 8051 hang up problem

Please tell properly the condition when the software hangs.
1. try to do reset two or three times after power on..
2. check if the pin 9 is tied to Vcc permanently.
3. crystal oscillates or not, by measuring the voltage at pin 18 and 19.
3. what is the power supply you are using
4. Check with other controllers if they behave the same way.. if yes then its hardware problem.
5. check if it is getting programmed properly...
6. check the power supply and current rating...
Re: 8051 hang up problem

there may be software mistake problem. try after correcting coding.

coding cannot make a controller hang, unless the startup code / bootloader is tampered /modified ..

that may not be the case here..........

Re: 8051 hang up problem

as you say 5. check if it is getting programmed properly..
i fully agree with your all 6 step to solve problem...
coding cannot make a controller hang, unless the startup code / bootloader is tampered /modified ..


Re: 8051 hang up problem

I have servery my code an i am sure that is right but , when i changed it , it's output still not correct, but sorry i want to correct something when i said hang up i mean that the out put is not correct , because am using a LCD 2x16 and the output on it is wrong , so i make two or three reset to make a correct output but i want to know the solution to prevent it to hang up again .

Re: 8051 hang up problem

You have LCD problems?
LCd timing are 100% ok? Are you change lcd?
have you power lines/wires and maybe high speed change of long wires?
Noise in environment?

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