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7 segment display pic16f84a

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Aug 25, 2009
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can anyone help me in displaying a 7 segment using pic16f84a...
wen i run my program which starts from 0 then eventually increments after about 2 seconds until it reaches the letter F and it goes right back to zero performing the same incrementing process, the program works perfectly on a simulator program, but the real thing doesn't quite perform well like the simulator does, it starts with a zero then increments until it reaches the value of 3 then goes back to zero,i can't seem to trace out the problem, even if i changed the value, it always goes back to the start after incrementing 3 times...any help would greatly be appreciated, i've been working on this for weeks now but i still haven't solved this problem, thanks...and more power to this forum

pic 16f84 program with seven segment display

topergo said:
can anyone help me in displaying a 7 segment using pic16f84a...
wen i run my program which starts from 0 then eventually increments after about 2 seconds until it reaches the letter F and it goes right back to zero performing the same incrementing process, the program works perfectly on a simulator program, but the real thing doesn't quite perform well like the simulator does, it starts with a zero then increments until it reaches the value of 3 then goes back to zero,i can't seem to trace out the problem, even if i changed the value, it always goes back to the start after incrementing 3 times...any help would greatly be appreciated, i've been working on this for weeks now but i still haven't solved this problem, thanks...and more power to this forum

can you please post your schm diagram..may be the problem goes on your circuit..double check them..

display 7 segmentos pic16f84

This is senthil.

Your project works properly but the sequence is repeating.

Check for infinite loop in your program after displying F.

Check the reset button connection with related components.

There is no need for doing something else unless otherwise your supply is spike free regulated supply.

Take care.

@ topergo..

can you please post your codes, i have the same problem here,. i can't find the code that would run my seven segment ckt...



i need your help,.

tnx a lot

The watchdog timer in PIC resets the MCU, so make sure that you have disabled watchdog timer. I think power fluctuations is not a problem because the MCU resets everytime after displaying 3, which may be the timer value of watchdog timer.

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