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6 V to 100 V voltage convertor

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Advanced Member level 1
Advanced Member level 1
Feb 5, 2013
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Dear friends, I need power supply for given spec:
I/P Voltage = 6 V to 9 V
O/P Voltage =100 V
O/P Current= 50 mA
Help me how make above power supply?

There is the boost converter. It works by sending current pulses through a coil and taking advantage of the inductive kick after a pulse ends.

Your output is 5W of power. Your 6V supply must provide around 1A.

If you do a search on 'boost' you will find several threads about this type of converter.

There is the boost converter. It works by sending current pulses through a coil and taking advantage of the inductive kick after a pulse ends.

Your output is 5W of power. Your 6V supply must provide around 1A.

If you do a search on 'boost' you will find several threads about this type of converter.

Thanks. And I also have one more doubt there is any chance to make that power supply without inductor.
If I choose a boost converter Please suggest the Boost converter IC. I need a 2W output power that is enough for my application 100V @ 20 mA.

Thanks. And I also have one more doubt there is any chance to make that power supply without inductor.

There is the voltage multiplier using several Villard stages. But it will not step 6V up to 100V. Too many diode drops.

Or you could build a series of push-pull charge pumps, to boost 6V to 11V, then 11 up to 21, then 21 up to 41, then 41 up to 81, with something additional to reach 100V.

Or a combination of the two above methods.

When you realize all that work conceivably could be done by a single coil, then a boost converter doesn't sound so hard to make, does it?

There is the voltage multiplier using several Villard stages. But it will not step 6V up to 100V. Too many diode drops.

Or you could build a series of push-pull charge pumps, to boost 6V to 11V, then 11 up to 21, then 21 up to 41, then 41 up to 81, with something additional to reach 100V.

Or a combination of the two above methods.

When you realize all that work conceivably could be done by a single coil, then a boost converter doesn't sound so hard to make, does it?

Please provide the schematic using boost converter with single coil.

This simplified schematic shows how a boost converter would accept a 6V supply, and provide 100V at 20 mA.

It is common to use a control IC that automatically switches the transistor/mosfet at the necessary duty cycle to maintain desired output level.
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