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3D FDTD model with a second order PML in Matlab

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Newbie level 2
Newbie level 2
Mar 7, 2006
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I'm have developed a 3D FDTD model with a second order ABC in matlab.

I wish to replace the ABC with a PML.

Does anyone have some sample matlab code for this?


perfectly matched layer matlab code


Has anyone a complete set of Tafloves and hagnesses code. Im getting the book next week, but I'd like to get a start with the code...


pml condition three dimension

sorry, what is PML?

matlab pml

May I find any refrence for PML on the edaboard

3d pml implementation


here is the MatLab code from A. Tafloves book (2ed edition);
it are 3 examples for 1d, 2d and 3d FDTD.

best: ricy

matlab plane wave 3d

I've downloaded this code but in the 3D example there is not the PML condition. In FDTD3D file there is the simulation of a rectangular cavity resonator with PEC boundaries:
ex(i,j,k)=0 on the j=1, j=jb, k=1, and k=kb planes
ey(i,j,k)=0 on the i=1, i=ib, k=1, and k=kb planes
ez(i,j,k)=0 on the i=1, i=ib, j=1, and j=jb planes

There's an example with 3D PML condition?

Please help me!!


derivation of the berenger scheme for pml

can you send me this program
and i will send you the programes in PML

pml conditions

who can provide me with 3d pml formula in brief

3d plane matlab

Now i'm trying to write 3D PML code but I have a ploblem in the PMl region (between main and PMl) And I'm confuse in coefficient in pml
Does anyone have some sample 3DPML matlab code or brief of method to write it?
Thank you

pml book by j.p.berenger

how do you incorporate a plane wave incident field in FDTD?

plane wave and pml - matlab

You can use the 2D implementation in the 3D UPML implementation.
What I mean is that you could do a kind of copy-paste from the 2D PML to the 3D UPML and get a 3D PML working code.
Hope this help

a. tafloves

The code is very usefull for my project

With regards

pml lame matlab

hello, i am working in a project of a master of science and I need FDTD 3D to simulate propagation in an indoor environment. I have no longer time, i have problems when i integrate PML please could some one help me?

I will be really very gratefull.

example of pml boundary condition

Dear Musicman,

A plane wave can be implemented in the FDTD code through either of the two ways:
1. Scattered Field approach given in Kunze and Luebber's text book (it has a working fortran code also-FDTDA.for)
2. The Total Field Scattered Field (TFSF) approach given in Taflove's Book. It is a bit complicated.

pml implementation matlab

media said:
sorry, what is PML?

PML (Perfectly Matched Layer) is an absorbing material boundary condition that first introduced by J.P. Berenger.

J.P. Berenger, “A perfectly matched layer for the absorption of electromagnetic waves,” Jour. Comp. Phys., vol.114, Aug. 1994, pp.185-200

3d pml

can anyone give me an example with 2.5D(which is BOR-body of revolution) FDTD? thank you

Added after 5 minutes:

btw thanks for the reply to my first question about TF/SF field. i was able to do it in 2D but i am having problems implementing it in 2.5D(or BOR) FDTD(with pml ABC). if anyone knows pls help me. thanks a lot =)

pml 3dimentional

media said:
sorry, what is PML?
One of the major problems in the standard FDTD is that the requirement for artificial mesh truncation condition. These aritficial termination conditions are known as absorbing boundary condition(ABCs) as they theoretically absorb incident and scattered fields. The accuracy of the ABCdictates the accruracy of the FDTD method.
The need for accurate ABCs has resulted in various types of ABCs, Berenger's perfectly matched layer(PML) is the most widely accepted.
In the perfectly matched layer truncation technique, an artificial layer of absorbing material is placed around the outer boundary of the computational domain. The goal is to ensure that a plane wave that is incident from FDTD free space to the PML region at an arbitrary angle is complete transmission of the incident plane wave at the interface between free space and the PML region. Thus the FDTD and the PML region are said to be perfectly matched.

pml matlab code

The 3D FDTD codes I've seen around here so far do not include (Berenger's) PML conditions.
Does anyone have the right code (or at least the steps for implementing the PML conditions) for the 3D case?



You could take my implemented PML's (Split-Field, UPML, CPML, NPML) for 2D TMz from and understand the working principle, after that it should be no problem to extend the scheme to 3D.

Re: pml matlab

I kindly request u to forward 3D FDTD model with a second order ABC in matlab code to my mail. My ID is

Thanx in Advance,
Ravi Durbha

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