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3D FDTD microstrip patch antenna

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Jan 18, 2011
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I am looking for a 3D FDTD code (C or Matlab) for a microstrip patch antenna, preferably tested against a standard solution or experimental data. After checking a few forums cannot find anything of the sort. Would greatly appreciate if someone was prepared to share or point out to the right place where to find it.

many thanks

Hi Feodor

Did you check Suvllian Book in chapter-5 there is a code for patch antenna in c language.



I am looking for a 3D FDTD code (C or Matlab) for a microstrip patch antenna, preferably tested against a standard solution or experimental data. After checking a few forums cannot find anything of the sort. Would greatly appreciate if someone was prepared to share or point out to the right place where to find it.

many thanks

Hi John

Thank you for your reply. I have the book. It is very good, but this particular code for the antenna seems to have an error (I ignore some obvious missing parts and Typos). The resonance modes have different values compared with the standard (e.g. measured by HFSS). I cannot see where the problem is, though the spectrum is very similar to that required. O had a post previously inquiring for the possible solution, but did not get any positive reply.
If you know an alternative or have a corrected code I would be really interested to have it ( or at least to know how to correct it)

With best regards


Did you check the other thread from yesterday (and the link there)?

But again I do not know of any other fdtd book which has as many mistakes (in the code) as Sullivan.
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I checked all threads on the subject. General view is that Sullivan's code (when implemented without typos) shows a similar spectrum to the real thing (experiment, HFSS, original fdtd result by Sheen, published in IEEE, 1991), but the frequencies are incorrect. For instance the main mode at 7.5 GHz (correct value) comes at ~ 6.2. This is quite dissapointing as the book is actually quite good (although full of mistakes), and I could not so far find an alternative code (even tried to contact Mr. Sheen, but have not recieved yet any reply).

If you know an alternative book with a similar code, I would be really interested to look at it.

best regards

I usually use my own code. But as far as books are concerned:

Recently had a look at the Elsherbeni Matlab-FDTD book and I think that it is certainly one
of the better ones at least as far as the code is concerned.

I still like Kunz and Luebbers (some important information missing even in the latest edition of
Taflove is already there) and even more Uno's book (only in Japanese as far as I know). Uno's
book has plenty of reasonable Fortran code.

There is a pdf script by Schneider floating around which should have some useful information.
At least he is interested in Near field Far field transformations which would suggest antenna as well.

I did like the approach Sullivan took but got too upset with his useless code to finish the book.
It is simply Fortran code badly translated into disorganized, only partially complete C code with
plenty of typos thrown in for good measure.

Coming back to your point I think that you would actually have to look at the modelling of the
antenna more closely. You might need to shrink cell size/ use better ABC's/ larger model etc
to improve the result.

The most typical problem in this kind of problem is lack of separation (number of cells) between metal
plates. So using the code from Sullivan, correcting the errors and then increasing the number of cells in
the direction perpendicular to the plane the metal planes lie in (probably the z-direction) may give you
a better result.
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Thank you for your suggestions. I have not yet gave up the Sullivan's code and hoping to solve the problem, but given the time constraints I am also hoping to find a code that actually does the job. By any chance, in the books you mentioned, are there any codes that actually close to simulating a microstrip antenna or a transmission line?

best regards

Sorry, if this is too bold to ask, do you know where I can download it?

Sorry, if this is too bold to ask, do you know where I can download it?

I have never seen it online. I have seen the source code floating around at some website which collected code samples
but haven't looked at it since I don't use Matlab. (What I read in the book seemed to be sensible)
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Thanks! Perhaps it is worth to buy it.

It may be (I think its strongest point are complete programs), the theory is ok (I have found one or two points where it could be improved), anf the selection of topics is pretty good (certainly much better than Taflove for programmers).

Kunz & Luebbers explains the theory quite well in my opinion and it can be found very easily. So you might have a look at it as well.

For some general background on FDTD the recent lecture notes by Gedney are also good (no antennas though as far as I remember).

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