Junior Member level 1

Split Ring Resonator (at 20 GHz) loaded with CPW (Coplanar Waveguide) [G-S-G] with pitch size (of GSG probe) 0.15 mm!
50 Ohm impedance of CPW was matched, but after loading SRR no resonance occurred. S11 and S21 curves are appearing totally flat. I loaded CSRR also, and changed different parameters but it seems coupling is not occurring (one possibility why resonance is not there). Could any one suggest me? I am intending to resonate SRR/CSRR at 20 GHz. I checked S11,S21, and Impedance (real, Imaginary) graphs till 80 GHz, but no resonance !!

50 Ohm impedance of CPW was matched, but after loading SRR no resonance occurred. S11 and S21 curves are appearing totally flat. I loaded CSRR also, and changed different parameters but it seems coupling is not occurring (one possibility why resonance is not there). Could any one suggest me? I am intending to resonate SRR/CSRR at 20 GHz. I checked S11,S21, and Impedance (real, Imaginary) graphs till 80 GHz, but no resonance !!