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1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems

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salma ali bakr

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Jan 27, 2006
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Interesting Conference

Call for Papers, submission deadline: 30 October 2009.

1st International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, ISMS2010

27 - 29 January 2010, Liverpool, UK.

Conference website:

Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publication Services, CPS, and will appear in Computer Society Digital Library indexed in I-Explore and all other indices.

Papers are invited on any aspect of intelligent systems, modelling and simulation to be presented at ISMS2010. The event provides authors with an outstanding opportunity for networking and presenting their work at an international conference.


- Intelligent Systems
- Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- Soft Computing and Hybrid Soft Computing
- Computational Intelligence
- Systems Intelligence
- Intelligence Systems
- Control of Intelligent Systems
- Control Intelligence
- e-Science and e-Systems
- Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control
- Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research
- Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation
- Discrete Event and Real Time Systems
- Image, Speech and Signal Processing
- Industry, Business and Management
- Human Factors and Social Issues
- Energy, Power Generation and Distribution
- Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation
- Supply Chain Management
- Virtual Reality, Visualization and Computer Games
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems
- Internet Modelling, Semantic Web and Ontologies
- Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking
- Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems
- Circuits, Sensors and Devices

Suggested topics (other topics are also welcome): Simulation methodology and practice, languages, tools and techniques. Models and modelling tools. Data/object bases. Analytical and statistical tools. Simulators and simulation hardware, training simulators. Integration of simulation with concurrent engineering, integrated design and simulation systems. AI, intelligent systems, agent-based simulation, decision support systems, philosophical issues, analogies, metaphors, knowledge modelling, acquisition and synthesis of new knowledge/models, intelligent/adaptive behaviour, man/machine interaction, control systems. Parallel and distributed simulation, discrete event systems. Artificial neural networks, computational intelligence.

Applications: aerospace; remote sensing; electronic circuits and systems; communication and networks; business; management; finance; economics; leisure, games, war/conflict/rebellion modelling; psychology, cognitive functions, behaviour, emotion, subjectivity; humanities, literature, semantics modelling/dynamics; biology; medicine; public health; energy, power generation and distribution, manufacturing; planning; control; robotics; measurement; monitoring; energy; safety critica1 systems; transportation; structural mechanics and civil engineering, oil and gas; education and training; military.

The conference is jointly organised by UK Simulation Society and Asia Modelling and Simulation Society and is co-sponsored by:

- IEEE UK &RI Computer Chapter
- UK Simulation Society
- Asia Modelling and Simulation Society
- University of Liverpool
- European Simulation federation, EUROSIM
- European Council for Modelling and Simulation, ECMS

Paper Submission: ISMS2010 is using EDAS for submission, paper processing and registration, authors need to:
- create an account with EDAS by clicking on the link below
- open the list of conferences managed by EDAS & find ISMS2010
- click on Submit button on the right to enter your paper title & abstract
- upload file.

Kindly promote ISMS2010 to all your contacts in your university, country and worldwide. ISMS2010 is promising to be a great conference and is a golden opportunity to network with world specialists and forge new friendships and cooperation with colleagues in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

Selected papers will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology, IJSSST.

Best regards and hope to see you at ISMS2010 in January 2010!!

On behalf of
ISMS2010 conference chairs.

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