12V to TTL S/R.... ( a new twist....)

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Newbie level 5
Oct 2, 2022
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(a new twist on a common topic)..
2 wire input. Normally NC between them. Will eventually get a momentary + or - 12V differential between them.... need to set that to a Set/Reset flipflop with TTL (or 3.3V) output...
Many possible circuits, but I am going to need a dozen of these (or more) to monitor sensors - so locking for something that is fairly robust, but also minimizes complexity...

1) Your schematic shows 1V5. That’s 1.5V (or 1,5V in parts of Europe) NOT 5V .
2) I’ve already recommended multiple-opto packages to reduce your device count.
3) Since you are a self-proclaimed CPU wizard hasn’t it occurred to you to use a CPU to implement the 16 latches? Or a small FPGA or CPLD?
4) I’m done.

1) No, that is KiCad having different symbols to support independent 5V feeds... (yes, it is a non-standard, but considering I will have a bunch of different supplies, not ll referenced the same, a useful one)
2) I did not see a part recommendation (let me review back)
3) I was "bestowed" the title at a computer conference in the late 1970's. I trademarked it for business use in 1984. In this case it is the pulse width and noise that is being used to reduce the load from the computer hardware (input latches, not direct to CPU) so that 1 bit can track the last transition state. Yes, I hae considered surface mount, fpga and other items; was not able to come up with a solution that had a lower part count, smaller space and lower cost (or at least some reasonable combination).
4) Have a great day

ps: RE "#2" the only response I saw was "And there are 8 and 32 opto packages. Who knows if you can find them."... I knolw I could not. Especially could not find any with a back-back pair or sufficient pin count reduction or internal pullups to reduce the overall size

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