10ms Delay in VB 6.0 ?

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vb 6.0 , put timer delay

sorry, i'm away.

Please read papyaki's post . Performance Counter is comes from hardware and can change from system to system.

(seconds) = QueryPerformanceCounter / QueryPerformanceFrequency

if you read two value you can get difference (DiffSecond=Seconds2-Seconds1)
This value has 0.3 microsecond resulation in my system and maybe yours different. is it matter? most probably you will not need such values. i used max 1 microsecond to measure a routine to check bottleneck occurs or not. infact, to do that you will need a dummy QueryPerformanceCounter calling to get how much time required for QueryPerformanceCounter api call.

to Marring,
this is totally different then interrupts. if you need something occurs periodically use high resulation timers. (multimedia timers).

this functon is better for pausing or period measuring.

vb 6.0 delay without timer

TRUNGDPHAN asked: Do you have any ways to delay that doesn't depend on the system?

the result of QueryPerformanceCounter/QueryPerformanceFrequency is system INDEPENDED. look attachment.

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